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Heartburn: 10 simple home remedies to relieve your symptoms

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Heartburn: 10 simple home remedies to relieve your symptoms

Heartburn is common. Almost everyone knows the unpleasant burning feeling in the breastbone or stomach, which often comes out of nowhere. But what can you do about it? Find out more here about ten simple home remedies for heartburn that can help immediately. Everyone probably has most of it at home. So you don’t have to endure the pain if you have problems at night.

How does heartburn occur?

Heartburn occurs when too much stomach content flows back into the esophagus. This happens, for example, when we have eaten too much and the stomach expands a little. Normally the junction between the stomach and the esophagus is closed, but the stretching sometimes loosens the closure.

Because the passage is not completely closed, air and stomach contents can move up into the esophagus. This irritates the mucous membranes and we experience what is called “heartburn”. Another cause of heartburn can be that the stomach produces too much acid because of a particular meal.

In so-called silent reflux, stomach acid can rise to the throat and irritate the respiratory tract, vocal cords and larynx.

Heartburn: causes

Apart from eating too much, there are other reasons that can trigger or promote heartburn:

Pregnancy Stress or other psychological and/or physical stress Hormone fluctuations Increased stomach acid production Smoking Obesity Poor nutrition

What are the symptoms of heartburn?

Heartburn usually manifests itself as a burning sensation in the breastbone. But other symptoms can also occur:

Acid regurgitation of stomach contents. Feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen. Burning sensation in the stomach. Sore throat. Difficulty swallowing

What helps against heartburn?

If you have heartburn, you don’t have to go straight to the nearest pharmacy and get medication. There are some home remedies that are very effective against heartburn and can even help against heartburn in the long term.

1. Herbal tea

A quick and easy home remedy for heartburn is herbal tea. Varieties such as chamomile or fennel in particular can provide quick relief because they soothe the mucous membranes and the stomach.

In addition, the tea dilutes the stomach acid and by drinking it the stomach acid is returned to the stomach more quickly. In this case, fruit teas are less suitable because they contain fruit acid and are more likely to cause heartburn.

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2. Baking soda

Baking soda can be used very diversely and effectively as a home remedy. It is even a good remedy for heartburn because it has a high pH value and can therefore combat hyperacidity. So it simply neutralizes the stomach acid.

To do this, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a glass of still water and drink it. However, you shouldn’t do this too often because baking soda can upset the body’s pH value if you overdose.

3. Potato juice

Thanks to their starch, potatoes are able to bind stomach acid and are therefore a great home remedy for heartburn. Potato juice is alkaline and can therefore neutralize stomach acid in a similar way to baking soda.

Potato juice can also prevent heartburn because it can prevent acidification in advance. To do this, you have to drink potato juice regularly, preferably a small glass twice a day before meals.

4. Almonds

Almonds can bind stomach acid. To do this, the unsalted and unsweetened almonds must be chewed thoroughly into a pulp before swallowing. Four to six almonds are usually enough to relieve heartburn.

5. Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are very suitable as a home remedy for heartburn because they contain so-called mucilage, which swells in the stomach and can create a protective layer on the stomach wall and mucous membranes. This means they are better protected from stomach acid.

Another plus point about flax seeds is that they are very good for our intestinal flora. The (crushed) linseeds can be eaten every day; for example, you can mix them into muesli as a topping or drink them as a smoothie. But be careful: Since flaxseeds bind fluid, you have to drink enough throughout the day – otherwise constipation can occur.

6. Chewing gum

The fact that chewing gum is useful as a home remedy for heartburn may initially come as a surprise to many people. Strictly speaking, it makes sense: Chewing produces more saliva and it is slightly alkaline.

Rising stomach acid can be diluted and neutralized – this also makes chewing gum a good home remedy for heartburn on the go.

7. Role therapy

A roll cure is intended to soothe the stomach lining, which can relieve heartburn. To do this, a few sips of soothing tea (e.g. chamomile) are drunk on an empty stomach and then the time is stopped.

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First you lie on your back for five minutes, then you drink a few sips of the tea again and turn onto your side, where you then remain quiet for another five minutes. This continues until you have rolled all the way around. This brings the entire stomach lining into contact with the tea and can provide relief. Rollkuren are a great home remedy for heartburn and you don’t need much.

Another little tip against heartburn: It generally helps to keep your upper body elevated, as stomach acid can flow up better, especially when lying down. If you lie with your chest higher up, this becomes more difficult. This is especially helpful if the heartburn comes at night.

8. Oatmeal

Similar to flaxseed, oat flakes are also suitable as a home remedy for heartburn. To relieve heartburn, you can either chew a few spoonfuls of oatmeal in your mouth or cook porridge with water. The slimy pulp protects the stomach and binds excess stomach acid.

9. Apple cider vinegar

Acid to combat heartburn? This may sound contradictory at first. In fact, despite its acidic pH value, apple cider vinegar has an alkaline effect in the stomach. When you take apple cider vinegar, your stomach produces less acid. Apple cider vinegar also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it. This not only promises relief from acute heartburn, but even helps as a preventive measure if drunk before a meal.

Danger: If you do not suffer from classic heartburn, but rather silent reflux, you should not use this home remedy as it can make the symptoms worse.

10. Healing clay

Healing clay can help against heartburn because it absorbs excess stomach acid. To do this, simply dilute the powder with a little water according to the package instructions and drink it.

Does milk help against heartburn?

The myth that milk is a good home remedy for heartburn is widespread. However, if you have heartburn, you should avoid milk because it can actually make the symptoms worse.

Milk has a slightly acidic pH and the stomach produces more stomach acid after drinking it because the fat is digested slowly. The fact that milk has an effect on some people is more due to the placebo effect, not the actual effect.

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Regular heartburn: when should I see a doctor?

Occasional heartburn isn’t really a cause for concern. However, you should see a doctor if you often have painful heartburn, as this can also indicate illnesses that home remedies do not help. If you have difficulty breathing due to heartburn or feel a strong feeling of pressure in your chest, you should have this checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

The right nutrition

You can prevent heartburn in the long term by eating a healthy diet. The following foods are gentle on the stomach and can prevent heartburn:

Herbal tea such as chamomile or fennel Non-carbonated water Potatoes Whole grain products (rice, pasta, bread) Nuts Low-acid fruit such as bananas, melon, pear, mango or grapes Low-acid vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, cucumber or zucchini Ginger

Certain foods, on the other hand, can promote and worsen heartburn. If you suffer from heartburn more often, you should avoid the following:

Alcohol Coffee Carbonated water Soft drinks Toast Bread Fatty cheese or dairy products such as whipped cream Cakes and cookies and other sweets Fried foods such as fries or chips Fatty meat such as bacon, salami or bratwurst Acidic vegetables such as sauerkraut or peppers Acidic fruit such as lemons, grapefruit or raspberries

This is how you prevent heartburn in the long term

So that you don’t get heartburn in the first place, there are a few tips that can prevent it and also have a positive influence on your lifestyle:

Balanced nutrition : If you eat a balanced and healthy diet, you will prevent heartburn in the long term. Avoid eating too much and too fatty food.
Don’t eat too late : Late meals are often heavy on the stomach and can cause heartburn. It is best not to eat anything three hours before bedtime or to eat anything that is too heavy.
Less luxury foods : Smoking promotes heartburn and coffee and alcohol should also be consumed consciously.

Tight clothing can also put pressure on the stomach and should therefore be avoided. In general, a change in diet to foods that are gentle on the stomach helps to achieve a significant improvement.

By Sarah Istel (sai)

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