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here are the 10 tips to follow from the Ministry of Health

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here are the 10 tips to follow from the Ministry of Health

Record heat, what to do? A classic of the summer period. These days of temperature elevated, the Ministry of Health recommends citizens to follow the rules to protect themselves from the heat that can be consulted on the institutional portal and through social channels: here are 10 simple tips useful for avoiding consequences for health of the wave of heat. It is recommended to avoid going out during the hottest hours. It is also important to help protect the most fragile and easily at risk people. However, it is essential to contact your family doctor in case of need, if you are suffering from chronic diseases or are undergoing treatment. Even pets must be protected from the heat with simple precautions. It should be remembered that the hot bulletins with the relative risk levels are available on the ministry website every day. “Protect yourself from the heat”, following the advice of the Ministry of Health.


Hot, the hottest week arrives: peaks of 48 degrees. Health alert, monitored parks and monuments

1. Let’s avoid going out during the hottest hours: above all, let’s protect children, the elderly and frail people.

2. Let’s protect ourselves at home and in the workplace, refreshing the rooms and renewing the air, shielding the windows with curtains that block the passage of light, but not that of air.

3. We drink at least a liter and a half of water a day: drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit. We limit the consumption of drinks with added sugar, coffee and alcohol.

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4. We always follow a correct diet: consume seasonal fruit and vegetables, moderate the consumption of elaborate dishes rich in fat, reduce seasonings, use little salt.

5. We pay attention to the correct conservation of food, respecting the cold chain.

6. Dress in light-colored clothing, made of natural fibers or that guarantee perspiration, wearing light hats to protect your head from the sun, glasses with UV filters and sunscreens before exposing yourself to the sun.

7. Protect yourself from the heat when travelling: if you are driving, remember to ventilate the passenger compartment, avoiding the hottest hours of the day where possible and always keeping a supply of water close at hand. Never leave babies or animals inside the car, even for short periods.

8. We practice physical exercise in the coolest hours of the day, if we do physical activity, remember to drink plenty of liquids and eat correctly.

Record heat, Schillaci: «Avoid outdoor events. No attacks on hospitals”

9. We offer assistance to people at greater risk (elderly people who live alone, people who are fragile and in difficulty, etc.) and report any situations that require intervention to the social and health services. 1

0. Let’s always remember to protect pets too: let’s give them plenty of water to drink even when we’re traveling and stop in shady areas.

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