Home » Here are the foods to absolutely avoid and prefer if you suffer from a hiatal hernia

Here are the foods to absolutely avoid and prefer if you suffer from a hiatal hernia

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Hiatal hernia is a fairly common disorder. It is estimated to affect 6 out of 10 people. Generally men and over 50 years of age.

It concerns the stomach and the hiatus, a small slit on the diaphragm where the esophagus passes. With the simple “open and close” mechanism, the hiatus causes the ingested food to go directly to the stomach. However, when the hiatus weakens or widens a little, a portion of the stomach comes out and this is how the so-called hiatal hernia is created.

The symptoms are many, varied and sometimes even subtle. The guide “These very common symptoms after the age of 50 can be the indicator of a hiatal hernia” is useful in this regard.

How is a hiatal hernia treated?

The most serious cases are resolved with surgery. But these are very rare cases. Unfortunately, a real cure does not exist. The best remedy to relieve discomfort is to have proper nutrition.

Here are the foods to absolutely avoid and prefer if you suffer from a hiatal hernia

Cibi no

Abolish or severely limit all foods that can irritate the gastric mucous membranes. So no to spicy or very spicy foods, and to all those foods that contain saturated fats such as cured meats, cream, butter, fried foods, pork …

Avoid acidic foods and consequently all citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit …), but also kiwi, pineapple, blueberries and tomatoes.

Better to eat lukewarm. Food that is too hot can worsen the state of any ulcers present in the esophagus or stomach.

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Tea, coffee, alcohol, mint and chocolate are also abolished. All contain chemicals that stimulate the release of gastric acids, thus irritating the stomach walls. And finally, no fizzy drinks that bloat the stomach.

Food yes

Prefer all those foods that protect the gastric mucosa. Let’s see some examples.

Ok to rice and pasta: they are easily assimilated and do not require too laborious digestion. Excellent fish which, with its Omega 3, brings significant benefits to the gastric and digestive system.

Finally, as regards fruit and vegetables, there are products that are particularly suitable. Apples, potatoes and bananas, for example, have a soothing action on the gastric mucous membranes.

Ok also to yogurt and fresh cheeses that are easy to digest.

So, here are the foods to avoid and prefer if you suffer from hiatal hernia.


Beware of these strange symptoms as they may indicate vitamin B2 deficiency

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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