Home Ā» Here is what would be the optimal blood pressure to keep the brain young after the age of 44

Here is what would be the optimal blood pressure to keep the brain young after the age of 44

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Blood pressure is the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels when it is pushed around the body by the heart. It is therefore linked to the action of the heart and its contracting (diastolic pressure) or relaxing (systolic pressure). Hypertension is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, high blood pressure has clearly been linked to an increased risk of stroke and brain haemorrhages.

There is the least risk of suffering from hypertension-related diseases when blood pressure is: 60-74 mmHg for diastolic pressure and 90-114 mmHg for systolic blood pressure.

We focused on the connection between blood pressure and the brain in a previous article, evaluating the role of hypertension in the onset of dementia. Also in this article we will address this combination. In particular, here is what would be the optimal blood pressure to keep the brain young after the age of 44.

Measurement at home

Blood pressure variability can be assessed:

  • long-term (in the clinic, seasonal, to visit);
  • medium term (daily, day by day);
  • short-term (circadian rhythm).

Long-term variability, including seasonal changes in blood pressure, is associated with stroke, coronary events, and organ damage. Day-to-day (medium-term) variability in blood pressure correlates with the risk of target organ damage, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and dementia.

Measuring your blood pressure at your doctor or pharmacy ensures accurate results performed by qualified personnel. Yet the importance of blood pressure measurement performed directly by patients at home should not be underestimated. A couple of self-measurements a day, together with the measurements taken in the office, ensure accurate blood pressure monitoring and provide the doctor with a lot of information about the patient’s health status.

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Here is what would be the optimal blood pressure to keep the brain young after the age of 44

According to a study just published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (Cherbuin N et al, 2021), researchers have discovered what the optimal blood pressure would be to help our brains stay at least six months younger than our actual age.

The researchers looked at more than 2,000 brain scans of 686 healthy individuals between the ages of 44 and 76. Participants’ blood pressure measured up to four times over a 12-year period. Brain scan and blood pressure data were used to determine a person’s brain age, which is a measure of brain health. This procedure is called BrainAge.

Compared to a person with a high blood pressure of 135/85, someone with a blood pressure of 110/70 may have a brain age that appears six months younger by the time they reach middle age.

If our blood pressure levels are high, we will need to consult with our doctor to assess what measures and therapies to take to maintain or bring blood pressure values ā€‹ā€‹back within the lowest risk range.


These 5 measures limit salt daily without too many sacrifices and thus reduce blood pressure

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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