Home Ā» Here’s how many eggs per week high cholesterol sufferers can eat to enjoy health benefits

Here’s how many eggs per week high cholesterol sufferers can eat to enjoy health benefits

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For quite some time, various urban food legends have been circulating that put some foods on the pedestal and demonize others. An example above all is red meat. Although its doses must be reduced, this does not mean that you can not eat. For example, not everyone buys it, but this precious red meat is worth gold and is one of the most beneficial for health. The same goes for another animal protein. Today we will therefore answer a long-standing question: here is how many eggs a week can those suffering from high cholesterol eat to enjoy health benefits. Let’s see together how many are better to include in our diets.

Here’s how many eggs per week high cholesterol sufferers can eat to enjoy health benefits

Eggs are foods rich in cholesterol, which however is contained for the most part inside the yolks. Egg whites, on the other hand, are much lighter in terms of both cholesterol and calorie content. For a long time demonized due to the high content of this substance, today they have been rehabilitated. In fact, to have significant excesses of cholesterol in the blood, eggs are not enough, but large quantities of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids and sugars. To counter this phenomenon, it would therefore be better to opt for a diet consisting of many vegetables, the right amount of fruit and with a good supply of vegetable proteins. The dose recommended by the guidelines would be around a maximum of 4 units per week, although, according to the Veronesi Foundation, it could also reach up to 1 per day, taking into account everything else we eat.

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The benefits and possible contraindications of eggs

But let’s move on to the properties of eggs. First of all they are an element considered excellent for maintaining weight since they would provide high quality proteins. In fact, they would give a good sense of satiety and would contain just 128 calories per 100 grams. Furthermore, in the eggs there would be an excellent dose of vitamin A which would help the growth of teeth and hair. The quantity contained in it, however, varies from the feed given to the hens and the lifestyle they led.

There is also lutein and zeaxanthin, useful nutrients for eye health. Furthermore, according to Humanitas, eggs are one of the foods that could trigger allergies in children. For this it would be better to consult with your GP before consuming them. Finally, being an easily perishable food, it would be optimal to inquire about the best conservation method. In fact, hardly anyone knows but you absolutely must not put the eggs in the fridge doors.


This explains the amazing reason why everyone is putting eggshells in the washing machine

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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