Home » Here’s how much to walk each week after menopause to lose weight quickly and eliminate hot flashes

Here’s how much to walk each week after menopause to lose weight quickly and eliminate hot flashes

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Exercising regularly is good for all ages, but it’s even more important at a delicate time like menopause. During menopause, regular physical exertion is especially helpful in shedding those extra pounds that accumulate as a result of metabolic slowdown. But it is also useful for limiting other side effects. It is therefore advisable to move with a certain constancy. Yes, but how much? Experts have tried to study the problem to come up with an answer.

Here’s how much to walk each week after menopause to lose weight quickly and eliminate hot flashes

Research, conducted by members of Alberta Health Services, sought to figure out how much physical activity to do during menopause to counteract its less-desired effects. The researchers then published the results in the prestigious “JAMA Oncology”.

The research took a sample of 400 Canadian women with sedentary habits. Half of them had to exercise for 300 minutes (5 hours) a week, the other half for just 150 minutes. After months of monitoring, the study found an exponentially greater reduction in abdominal fat in the first group of women. In addition to weight loss, women undergoing a 5-hour weekly exercise also experienced a decline in side symptoms. So, according to the research, here’s how much to walk each week in menopause to lose weight quickly and eliminate hot flashes.

It is clear that the benefits are not limited to walking. Provided that the minimum threshold of 5 hours per week is respected, we can also dedicate ourselves to other aerobic activities, such as cycling.

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The researchers also said that a minimum activity of 5 hours per week could limit cancer risks.

The risk of breast cancer also appears to be decreasing

According to previous studies, a surplus of abdominal fat during menopause is also linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Research promoted by Alberta Health Services would confirm the relationship and show that physical activity of 5 hours per week would also help cancer prevention. The researchers comment on the study, saying that menopause is a very delicate period, during which it is good to undergo constant checks. During this period, combining clinical prevention with physical activity is a winning weapon to further reduce the risks that this phase of life entails. The combination of medical monitoring and a healthy lifestyle can ward off serious illness and make us live strong and at our best.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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