Home » Here’s how to train at 60 to improve circulation and save your heart

Here’s how to train at 60 to improve circulation and save your heart

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As we age, training becomes more and more difficult and tiring. Our muscles lose tone and the joints have less and less elasticity. But if we learn the right methods we can easily manage to stay fit and prevent some very frequent and dangerous diseases. Here’s how to train at 60 to improve circulation and save your heart from stroke and heart attack.

Exercises to improve circulation and tone the muscles

Even when we reach the age of 60, we must not give up on keeping fit with aerobic activity. That is the type of training that improves tissue oxygenation and blood circulation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

At least 2 or 3 times a week we do a fairly fast half hour walk. We will immediately notice the first benefits and we will also be able to lower bad cholesterol.

Otherwise we can try cycling, if we don’t have joint pathologies, or swimming for the same amount of time.

Alongside the aerobic activity we can add some muscle toning exercises. And we won’t even need to go to the gym. For the legs we can try lunges. We start from the standing position and bring one leg forward by shifting the weight of the body. Two sets of 20 alternating legs 3 times a week will suffice.

To strengthen the upper limbs, let’s lie down on the ground and take two dumbbells weighing no more than 5 kg. We spread our arms and bring them towards the chest and then spread them again. Again, 2 sets of 20 are sufficient.

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Here’s how to train at 60 to improve circulation and save your heart

If we have difficulty breathing or suffer from back pain we can relieve the symptoms with a very simple exercise. Let’s get with the palms of the hands and knees resting on the ground. From this position we try to extend and flex the entire spine. When we extend we inhale. When we flex we keep the abdominals in tension and let the air out.

2 sets of 20 repetitions and back pain will become an ancient memory.


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