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here’s what you need to know

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here’s what you need to know

In recent decades, the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, has become increasingly common. While these devices give us easy access to information and communication, their excessive use can have negative effects on our health, including the health of our eyes.

Figure 1 – Did you know that excessive cell phone use can really hurt your eyesight? here is explained why in this article.

The abuse of the cell phone is very bad for the eye: the precautions to be taken

In particular, excessive cell phone use can cause eye fatigue, irritation, dry eyes, headaches and vision problems. These effects can be caused by a combination of factors including blue light emitted by mobile devices, close viewing distance, and high frequency of use.

The effect of blue light

Blue light is a short wavelength emitted by mobile devices that can penetrate the back of the eye, where the cells in the retina responsible for perceiving light are located. Continued exposure to blue light can damage these cells and cause a decrease in their function, which can lead to vision problems such as macular degeneration, a condition that can lead to permanent loss of central vision.

Close viewing distance is another cause of vision problems associated with cell phone use. When we use our mobile phone, we often hold it very close to the eyes, which can cause eye strain and difficulty focusing on objects at greater distances. This can lead to a condition called myopia, which is characterized by blurry vision of distant objects.

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Finally, the high frequency of mobile phone use can also cause vision problems. When we use our cellphone for long hours without interruption, our eyes can become tired and irritated. This can cause headaches and temporary vision problems, such as blurred or double vision.

To protect the health of our eyes, it is important to limit cell phone use and take some precautions. For example, it is important to hold the mobile phone at an adequate distance from the eyes and to take frequent breaks during use to rest the eyes. In addition, there are also some apps and settings on your device that can reduce blue light emission and protect your eye health.


In summary, excessive use of the cell phone can have negative effects on the health of our eyes. It is important to limit the time of use and take some precautions to protect eye health. With a little care, we can continue to enjoy the benefits of mobile devices without compromising our vision health.

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