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High blood pressure in summer: How to lower it quickly?

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High blood pressure in summer: How to lower it quickly?

With the arrival of summer, many people are preparing to enjoy the heat, the sun and the holidays. However, for sufferers of high pressureAlso known as hypertension, summer can present a significant health challenge. High blood pressure is a condition in which the force of blood against artery walls is too great, increasing the risk of serious health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. In this article, weā€™ll explore how the summer heat can affect blood pressure and provide valuable advice on how to bring it down quickly and safely to maintain cardiovascular health.

Figure 1 ā€“ How to Manage High Blood Pressure in Summer: Useful Advice

High pressure in summer

When summer temperatures reach high levels, our body reacts in various ways to keep the core temperature under control. One of the fundamental regulatory mechanisms is the vasodilation of blood vessels. This means that the vessels dilate to allow blood to flow more easily and dissipate body heat to the outside. Consequently, during hot days, it is common to experience a temporary decrease blood pressure, as blood vessels relax and widen.

Compensatory Reaction and Increase in Pressure

However, our body is a highly regulated system and is constantly trying to maintain homeostasis. Thus, summer vasodilation is followed by one compensatory reaction. When blood vessels dilate to dissipate heat, our body tries to maintain blood pressure by regulating the amount of fluids and salts in the body. This can lead to a increase in blood pressureespecially in people who already suffer from hypertension.

Tips to Lower High Blood Pressure in Summer

If you already have a tendency to high blood pressure or have been diagnosed with hypertension, itā€™s vital you take steps to keep your blood pressure in check during the summer. Here are some useful tips:

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to. Stay Hydrated with Water

During the summer months, with high temperatures and increased sweating, itā€™s crucial to increase your fluid intake. Drink water enough helps keep the body hydrated, avoids dehydration and helps keep blood pressure under control.

b. Limit Your Salt Intake

A high-salt diet can raise blood pressure, as sodium holds fluid in the body. During the summer, when you sweat more, itā€™s important to reduce your intake of salty foods and prefer fresh and natural foods, rich in nutrients.

c. Choose foods rich in potassium

Potassium is a mineral that helps balance the effects of sodium on the body, helping to lower blood pressure. Some potassium-rich foods include banana, melons, spinach, potatoes e beans. Including them in your summer diet can help keep blood pressure in check.

d. Doing Modulated Physical Activity

Regular exercise is a great way to keep blood pressure in check. During the summer, avoid exercising during the hottest hours of the day and prefer exercising early in the morning or in the evening when temperatures are cooler. Walking, swimming, or engaging in outdoor activities can help keep your heart healthy.

And. Maintain a Cool Environment

To prevent the summer heat from negatively affecting your blood pressure, try to stay in cool, well-ventilated areas. Use air conditioning whenever possible or look for shady places to relax and engage in activities in the fresh air.

When to See a Doctor

It is important to monitor your blood pressure regularly and see your doctor for a general health check. If you already have a diagnosis of hypertension or if you experience symptoms such as intense headaches, dizziness, confusion or difficulty breathing during the summer, it is essential to consult your doctor. These symptoms could indicate a significant increase in blood pressure or a possible heat-related health problem.


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During the summer, it is essential to pay close attention to blood pressure and take steps to keep it under control. Following the advice above, staying well hydrated, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet are important steps in lowering high blood pressure and maintaining cardiovascular health. Always remember to consult your doctor for regular checkups and specific advice on how to manage your blood pressure.


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