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high consumption “increases risk by 49%”

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high consumption “increases risk by 49%”

The high consumption of antibiotics increases the risk of colon cancer. This is what is indicated in the results of two studies. The first, led by British researchers, presented last year at the World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), and the second, a Swedish study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

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Colon cancer, the risks of antibiotics

The UK study involved a population of 8,000 colon cancer patients and 30,000 healthy people. The data showed that those who had less than 50 years old and they had taken many antibiotics in the past they had a risk increased by 49% to develop colon cancer, but not rectal cancer.

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While the Swedish study studied a population of over 40,000 people with colorectal cancer and more than 200,000 without cancer. Those who had used antibiotics for more than six months they had a 17% increased risk of developing one of these cancers.

Because they can lead to cancer

But what is the reason why these drugs are capable of causing cancer in this organ? Antibiotics have the ability to destroy disease-causing bacteria in our body, but they can also eliminate the beneficial ones we live in symbiosis with. These are the bacteria that are found in the intestine and which act as a protective barrier that prevents the entry of other pathogenic microorganisms.

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The importance of drugs

However, it should be noted that these drugs are essential in some cases of infections. For several years, however, the scientific community has been asking consumers to use antibiotics responsibly: take them only on medical prescription and for the time set by the doctor. At the moment, however, the risk posed by the consumption of antibiotics for the development of this cancer is not comparable to that represented by environmental risk factors: obesity, lack of exercise, consumption of alcohol, red and processed meat and tobacco.

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