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Home remedies for stiff neck

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Home remedies for stiff neck

A stiff neck is a painful nuisance and can severely affect your day-to-day life. How to get rid of pain?

In this article we will show you how to use the natural home remedies to relieve pain and prevent stiff neck.

Common causes of torticollis

The most common causes of torticollis are:

  • postural problems;
  • neck overloads;
  • overloads on the back;
  • shoulder loads.

If left untreated, the muscles shorten and harden. Your body then moves further and further into bad posture to avoid pain. Eventually it takes very little to completely stiffen the neck, such as lifting a heavy object incorrectly or lying down awkwardly at night.

Symptoms of torticollis

When you have a stiff neck, it’s nearly impossible to turn your head to one side or tilt it backwards. The reason: Because the muscles were constantly tense or in bad posture, they were so irritated that inflammatory processes were triggered.

A stiff neck can also be accompanied by other physical symptoms, such as:

  • Heachache;
  • shoulder pain;
  • arm pain;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness.

If left untreated, symptoms subside after about three to four days. But you can use some home remedies so the stiff neck doesn’t come back and the neck pain subsides faster.

Home remedies for stiff neck

The heat promotes blood circulation in the muscles and thus relieves tension in the neck. You will notice an improvement within minutes.

Use a simple hot water bottle three to four times a day. Peppermint Oil: Home Remedies for Stiff Neck

Also peppermint oil helps a lot against tension because it has a calming and pain-relieving effect.

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Menthol relaxes contracted muscles and the pain subsides. For one peppermint oil application, add a few drops to about 2 teaspoons of warmed olive or coconut oil. Massage the oil blend into your neck with slow strokes. You will feel a pleasant warmth.

In the end you can use cayenne pepper which contains the precious capsaicina substance that is said to have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Add 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 2 tablespoons of warmed olive oil. Spread the mixture on the painful areas of the neck.
Put a towel on it and let it sit for a few hours.

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