Home » How Alessandro Impagnetiello killed Giulia Tramontano: doubts about the mother and the dynamics of the murder

How Alessandro Impagnetiello killed Giulia Tramontano: doubts about the mother and the dynamics of the murder

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How Alessandro Impagnetiello killed Giulia Tramontano: doubts about the mother and the dynamics of the murder

In the interview in which she decided to talk about the death of Giulia Tramontano in Senago Sabina Paulis, the mother of Alessandro Impagnatiello, said that her son is “a monster”. TO Live Life the woman also added that the Armani Bamboo barman “must tell the whole truth”. And yet, she tells today The print, among the investigators there are doubts about Paulis. The 54-year-old, who is very close to her son, was the first to enter the apartment in via Novella, with her set of keys. She also accompanied her son to a bar to ask for the images from the cameras. Although this may not be decisive given that at the time they were looking for the girl who was still alive. Impagnetiello continues to claim that he did it all by himself. But doubts remain about his reconstruction.

The testimony of Sabina Paulis

Sabina Paulis no longer has relations with Impagnetiello’s father from Foggia. She raised her son alone. The newspaper recounts that she was heard by investigators last Monday, when he had not yet confessed. And she said she was aware of the presence of another woman in her son’s life: “Giulia showed me the other woman’s messages”. For this she offered to accompany her to the Armani bar, but in the end she only took her to the subway stop. When she returned, it was always her mother-in-law who accompanied her back to her home: «I asked her if she wanted to come and sleep with me, “breaking away” from Alessandro». Julia refused. Impagnetiello’s mother asked Tramontano to keep her informed about her. “In the hope that Giulia would call me to let off steam, I kept an eye on her accesses on Whatsapp”, she had her put in the minutes. From the telephone records, however, no contact with her son emerged.

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The dynamics of the murder

There are other elements that do not coincide in Impagnetiello’s confession. He had previously said that he had hit Tramontano after she had injured herself with the knife. In front of the magistrate he claimed that she had cut herself by mistake and then he had hit her in the neck. The surveys of the Ris and the first analyzes on the trajectories of the blood spatter seem to tell another story. He allegedly attacked the girl from behind in halls. Before her a stab wound to her throat, which prevented her from screaming. Then the other shots. Luminol tests found blood on a roof rack. It may have been used to transport the body. For the prosecutors Letizia Mannella and Alessia Menegazzo, the barman’s behavior is the confirmation that he is “able to lie repeatedly and change his version of the facts several times”.


A petrol can was found in the house. Investigators will try to use the barcode to date the time of purchase. In the house there was also a greenhouse for growing marijuana but without plants. During the autopsy, instead, the active ingredient of the rat poison found in the house will be sought. Which according to Impagnetiello was needed for work. The surveys carried out yesterday in the house, including the garage and cellar, have provided feedback. The murder took place in the living room and the tub, where the man first attempted to set fire to the body, was found burned in various places.

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This is an important element in relation to the aggravating circumstance of premeditation, given that, five minutes before Giulia returned home that Saturday evening, she had searched online for “burnt ceramic bathtub”. When investigators and investigators entered, however, the house was perfectly tidy and clean, so much so that the many traces were identified only thanks to luminol. Those who were on site were struck by the great attention with which everything had been cleaned and by the order defined as obsessive, almost obsessive compulsive.

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