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How gardening helps you lose weight

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How gardening helps you lose weight

How can gardening help you lose weight?

The following applies to sustainable weight loss and staying slim: Long-term change in diet is mandatory, exercise is optional. And with the “freestyle” it is primarily important that you enjoy exercise and being active, so that you do it regularly – and if you enjoy gardening, you use up a few 100 kcal/hour, depending on the “specific session”. Therefore, regular gardening with joy can optimally support weight loss – and you can also exercise in the fresh air, which is good for your overall health.

Which gardening chores burn the most calories?

The more intense the effort and the longer the work, the more calories are burned. For example, if you carry a lot of greenery, chop wood, dig up beds or mow a large lawn with muscle power, i.e. work physically hard overall, you use significantly more energy than watering flowers with a garden hose or watching the robotic lawnmower.

How to incorporate gardening into a regular fitness routine?

In principle, there is always something to do in the garden from spring and summer to autumn. That means: If you really enjoy gardening, you will do it with “intrinsic motivation”, i.e. with an automatic inner drive from the desire to do something. It’s more of a hobby than work, which is something you look forward to in your free time. If you need a regular routine, you can simply schedule fixed times, e.g. one hour three times a week or a “full program” on Saturdays.

What are tips for healthy eating after physical work in the garden?

Anyone who has worked hard is primarily hungry for calories, and for lots of them – that’s physiologically absolutely logical, because a lot of energy was consumed. So gardeners need meals that are really filling. Which “healthy food” that is specifically for the individual should be decided “from the gut” in the true sense – like this: If you are really hungry after gardening, stop for a moment and feel what you are most hungry for wants. And then you make/get exactly that desired meal that tastes really good, that you tolerate well (i.e. can digest well) and after which you feel satisfied, full and full (without a “stone in the stomach”) – if you do that pleasant “comfortable groaning from the depths of the stomach” as a bodily reward, wonderful.

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This is how enjoyable intuitive eating works, by the way the most natural and best form of human nutrition. What exactly you eat is of secondary importance, because it is totally different for each individual anyway – because it is scientifically true: There are as many healthy diets as there are people, because each of us is(s)t different.

How can you maintain motivation for gardening and thereby lose weight in the long term?

The best way is to really enjoy what you do. Then you stick with it. And this regularity and the permanent “staying at it” are the key to the lasting success of staying slim – both when eating and when exercising, and of course even more so when both together. If you need to motivate yourself, you should create a plan with goals and plan gardening as a movement component. The inner bastard has to work with him in the true sense of the word, otherwise it won’t work.

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