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How to burn calories all day without exercising

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How to burn calories all day without exercising

Do you want to lose weight, but don’t want to torment yourself with sweaty workouts several times a week? Then NEAT is the right method for you. We explain how the weight loss principle works.

Do you really have to do a strenuous workout several times a week to burn calories and lose weight?

Representatives of the NEAT approach claim that this is even counterproductive and rely on a different way of burning calories in everyday life. But does it really work?

Lose weight without exercise – this is how it can work

Most people think that you can’t lose weight without exercise. But when training isn’t fun, it’s hard to stick with it long-term. The NEAT method wants to change that.

With NEAT you move in everyday life without being exposed to the pressure to burn a lot of calories or to invest a lot of time in workouts. Because not only sport burns energy, but also everyday activities.

This is how NEAT works

NEAT stands for “non-exercise activity thermogenesis” and means calorie burning during non-sporting activity. The idea is that everyday movements such as cleaning, cooking and going to the next bus or train station are underestimated.

Even though they’re not done with the goal of burning calories, they still use up energy. Instead of forcing yourself to exercise, you can easily make your everyday life more active and burn calories at the same time.

How to burn calories with NEAT

NEAT is about integrating more exercise into everyday life. You don’t have to do any workouts for this, you just build a little more exercise into your everyday life. Because a lot of small movements can make a big difference at the end of the day.

  1. Clean and tidy up: Calories are also burned at home. If you clean and tidy up regularly and extensively, you can burn a few calories.
  2. Cook: When cooking, there are many tricks that you can use to incorporate more movement – for example, walking to the pantry for each spice individually or balancing on one leg while stirring.
  3. To play with kids: Children are real bundles of energy. Whoever plays tag or hide and seek with them moves and burns calories.
  4. Take stairs and walk: Walk more often or get off a stop earlier to get more exercise. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is also a good way to integrate more exercise into everyday life.
  5. Get up more often: If you have an office job, you have to somehow compensate for a lot of sitting. Instead of doing an hour of exercise after work, you can get up more often during work. Walk into co-workers’ offices instead of calling them. For the home office, bar tables are a good way to get up from time to time, even during working hours.
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These are just a few examples of how to increase your NEAT. The nice thing about the principle is that you can tailor the activity to your own needs. Along with a healthy and balanced diet, you can even lose weight with NEAT.

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