Home » How to burn lots of calories with these 6 activities suitable for both the lazy and the most trained

How to burn lots of calories with these 6 activities suitable for both the lazy and the most trained

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One of the most popular advice from doctors and experts for a healthy life is to engage in regular physical activity.

Making time for yourself during the day is essential.

A space to devote to carrying out some activity is one of the simplest ways to ward off numerous pathologies related to aging and overweight.

Obviously, this should be accompanied by a healthy and varied diet, which bans dishes rich in saturated fats and excess sugars.

An approach to life suitable for young and old.

It is indeed important to remember that it is never too early or too late to take a path or change direction.

How to burn lots of calories with these 6 activities suitable for both the lazy and the most trained

Physical exercise is essential, especially after a certain age, to keep muscles and joints in good condition and to dissolve stress and tension.

However, there are cases in which not only is it not easy to be consistent but it is also difficult to get started.

On the contrary, starting conditions characterized by long inactivity require caution and a gradual start.

So here’s how to burn lots of calories with these 6 activities suitable for both the lazy and the most trained.

It will come as a surprise to many but walking up and down stairs, depending on the time spent, can help burn 300 to 500 calories.

Good news for gardeners too: an hour of garden work requires about 350 calories, while 30 minutes of cleaning at home burns about 330 calories.

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Dancing is also a great alternative, both for training and for mood! Depending on the intensity and pace we can say goodbye to around 200 calories.

Alternatives for the most trained

For those who are less sedentary and have already developed a good resistance to effort, there is really plenty of choice.

For the fittest and in good health, a nice jog, an outdoor bicycle session or an indoor exercise bike can burn between 300 and 400 calories.

Finally, a sworn enemy of being overweight is jumping rope.

Perhaps few people know that, if there are no particular joint problems or certain pathologies, an hour dedicated to this activity can burn about 715 calories!

In any case, it is always advisable to contact a specialist doctor or a qualified trainer.

In fact, only professionals will be able to recommend the most suitable activities, based on the needs and state of health.


Maybe you are not overweight even if this number to calculate says otherwise

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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