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How to deal with someone who suffers from anxiety: everything you need to know

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How to deal with someone who suffers from anxiety: everything you need to know

How to interact correctly with a person suffering from anxiety? There are guidelines that must be followed.

In your circle of friends, family or at work you will certainly have met and dealt with a particularly anxious person. People who suffer from anxiety manifest marked restlessness, sometimes muscle tension, difficulty speaking in public, intrusive thoughts, sleep and appetite disturbances.

These are the most common symptoms, but it should be said that this disorder can be mild or “severe” and in the latter case the person affected can experience difficulties in carrying out daily activities, becoming a real obstacle .

The anxious man or woman can in fact come to give up going out in public. And, therefore, not to fully enjoy his social life, precisely because he fears the appearance and manifestation of gods symptoms. This is a phenomenon that affects women the most. The cause is to be found in biological issues, but it is not uncommon to come across anxious men. So if you know someone who is affected, adopt these strategies and try to stay close to them with peace of mind.

How to interact with an anxious person?

In the first instance it is good to specify that theanxiety it is an emotion that comes to make us aware of something that is not working in our life and, therefore, must be considered as a positive alarm bella signal that leads us to reflect and make decisions to get out of the situation that causes us discomfort.

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As mentioned, therefore, this emotion should not be demonized, but must be accepted and understood, anxiety comes to put us before the needs of a change. But how to deal with an anxious person? First of all, it will be necessary to put yourself in his shoes for a while and understand that the experiences of the person in front of you are somehow altered, the anxious person perceives, for example, dangers or the imminent occurrence of harmful situations, when in in reality the danger is minimal or completely absent.

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We must therefore neither mock them nor underestimate their words, simply understand without judging. Likewise, if you want to interact with an anxious person, you need to adopt an assertive, firm but gentle communication style and avoid words or speeches that may sound aggressive, even if you do it with the benevolent purpose of encouraging the other to react.

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