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how to get benefits for the whole body

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how to get benefits for the whole body

We leave the elevator, go back to the steps: going up and down helps the shape. At home, in the park, in classes in the gym. Benefits and perks for the line of what appears to be a fitness trend

After endless trips in the lift, we take the steps again: going up and down helps the shape, it is an exercise, free of charge, it is good for the environment. Done every day strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases tissue oxygenation, reduces the risk of heart disease. Uphill it strengthens the muscles of the lower limbs, from the calf to the thigh, buttocks included.

Movement useful for breathing, for those who practice aerobic sports, but also for the elderly and menopausal women to improve bone mass and counteract osteoporosis. Without neglecting the calorie expenditure: 8 calories per minute which change according to speed, weight, step height.

how to use the stairs to train

It is certainly not enough to walk three to four floors every now and then to stay fit and enjoy the benefits. The stairs are a private gym, free, to be exploited at least three times a day, for no less than 25 steps made without stopping. For an extra touch, we take the step: one or two steps at a time, zigzagging, crossing steps or moving from one side of the ramp to the other. So they train balance and coordinationthe pace is kept up.

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On the step request one correct posture to avoid knee and ankle problems, lean forward slightly, keep your back straight, gaze and head up. And finally the support: the whole foot goes on the step, not just the tip and keep an eye on the descent. In the end stretching: two to three minutes for the hamstrings, quadriceps and calves.

The training table on the stairs

The training program recommended by di Anna Citterio, degree in sports science, trainer, yoga and pilates teacher.

First month: 15 minutes 3 times a week. Start with the warm-up: In front of the ladder, do a front lunge placing your foot on the first step. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Do 20 lunges per leg. Climb without pauses, use the descent for recovery.

Second month: 20 minutes 3 times a week with a minimum overload of 2 kg per arm. Always the initial warm-up and, uphill, alternately, cross the steps 10 times, if you have a flight of at least 12 steps. If you have a 5/6, do it step by step.

Third month: 25 minutes 3 times a week Climb with weight to increase the intensity and two steps at a time. Alternate the smooth climb, 1 step x time to double.

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