Home » Hyperhidrosis, the multiple causes of excessive night sweats

Hyperhidrosis, the multiple causes of excessive night sweats

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Hyperhidrosis, the multiple causes of excessive night sweats

Night sweats, also called hyperhidrosis, is a disorder that affects a large part of the population: let’s see the multiple causes that trigger it.

Blonde girl resting (Unsplash)

Night sweats, also called hyperhidrosis, is a disorder that affects a large part of the population: we see the multiple causes that trigger it. It is not always linked to serious illnesses, very often it is a passing symptom, but it is certainly annoying and can create alarmism. The triggering causes can be of various kinds and of various entities. Let’s see what they are.

Night sweats are a fairly common annoyance. When there is a normal temperature in the room, but the body is sweating excessively, something is wrong. Some medications, especially those used to fight anxiety and depression, can lead to more sweating, and hyperhidrosis is one of the side effects. Sweating is often linked to psychological stress. But there is more.

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Symptoms of night sweats, when they occur

causes night sweats
Girl sleeping in dim light (Unsplash)

Not only drugs to treat depression and anxiety, but also anti-inflammatories and pain relievers can lead to excessive sweating. But the correlation with drugs is only the tip of the iceberg of this pathology. For example, it very often affects patients with type 1 diabetes, and this happens due to glucose imbalances. The pancreas, in fact, failing to produce insulin, produces sweat to rebalance the body.

Hypoglycemia is one of the triggers for excessive sweating, especially at night. But one of the causes is also hyperthyroidism, which also causes various symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, weight loss, hair loss and sudden changes in body temperature. The thyroid is responsible for multiple nocturnal ailments, such as insomnia, ringing in the ears or palpitations.

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Also the power supply affects sweating. Eating a meal that is too greasy and heavy can cause sweat, breathing difficulties, digestive problems, acidity and pain. Often, these conditions are caused by alcohol intake, too many carbohydrates, meat, fried or too spicy dishes. Another cause, the most serious, found for sweating during the night is that related to lymphoma in Hodgkina cancer that affects the cells of the immune system.

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But the excess sweat is caused by others severe pathologies, which can be mononucleosis, HIV, brucellosis, high blood pressure or infections. However, it must be said that these latter pathologies, in addition to excess sweat, are also accompanied by other symptoms. If you only have night sweats, therefore, don’t be alarmed. Finally, among the most frequent causes of hyperhidrosis there is menopause, the classic hot flashes following hormonal changesor even pregnancy.

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