Home » Hypertension and sleep, sleeping less than seven hours increases the risk – DiLei

Hypertension and sleep, sleeping less than seven hours increases the risk – DiLei

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Hypertension and sleep, sleeping less than seven hours increases the risk – DiLei

New Study Reveals Link Between Lack of Sleep and High Blood Pressure Risk

A new study presented at the American College of Cardiology conference has shed light on the relationship between sleep duration and the risk of developing hypertension. The research, which analyzed data from over a million people across six countries, found that sleeping less than seven hours a night is associated with a greater risk of high blood pressure.

The study, which followed participants with no previous history of hypertension for an average of five years, found that those who slept less than seven hours were 7% more likely to develop high blood pressure. This risk increased to 11% for those who reported sleeping less than five hours.

The researchers also found a gender difference in the results, with women appearing to be at a higher risk than men. Women who reported sleeping fewer than seven hours had a 7% greater risk of developing high blood pressure compared to men.

While the study has some limitations, including the subjective nature of self-reported sleep durations, experts are urging people to pay attention to their sleep habits. Poor sleep can increase the risk of hypertension, which in turn can lead to serious health issues such as heart attacks and strokes.

The findings highlight the importance of getting enough sleep and maintaining healthy sleep habits in order to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. So, if you want to keep your heart healthy, make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye each night.

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