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«I lost 30 kilos and I am stronger and fitter than ever»

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«I lost 30 kilos and I am stronger and fitter than ever»

At 77 years old, Joan MacDonald has become a fitness sensation on social media with nearly two million followers on Instagram. The weight training guru has inspired people of all ages with her incredible fitness transformation, proving that it’s never too late to start working out and getting back into shape.

Seven years ago, Joan decided to start training in order to lose weight and get in shape. She joined a gym and began working with a personal trainer who introduced her to weight training. Through hard work and dedication, Joan has lost a total of 30 kg, going from 90kg to 60kg. She credits her success to listening to her body, respecting her own timing, and focusing on both her training and nutrition.

In a recent Instagram post, Joan shared a side-by-side photo of her body before and after her transformation, emphasizing that the journey of transformation isn’t just about the body but also the mind. She expressed that working out has helped her let go of the old version of herself and welcome a new one, making her feel stronger and fitter than ever.

Despite her incredible success, Joan also opened up about struggling with negative thoughts and feelings of disorganization and inconsistency at her age. She emphasized the importance of brushing aside these negative thoughts and striving for daily success while cultivating a feeling of gratitude for all she has accomplished in life.

Joan’s story serves as an inspiration to many and challenges the notion that getting in shape is only for the young. Her determination and commitment to her fitness journey prove that age is just a number, and it’s never too late to start living a healthier, more active lifestyle.

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