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Identifying and Addressing Common Adolescent Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Educators

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Identifying and Addressing Common Adolescent Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Educators

Social worker Raquel Alija and psychologist Iratxe Díaz de Miguel have identified the most common disorders that affect adolescents and emphasized the importance of early detection and intervention. From anxiety to depression, there are several signs that parents and educators should be aware of in order to provide the necessary support without overprotecting.

According to Alija and Díaz de Miguel, it is crucial to avoid stigmatization and seek professional help when needed. By addressing these issues early on, adolescents can have a better chance at developing a normal life and overcoming their challenges.

The experts also highlight the need for more resources to address the growing number of mental health problems among adolescents. By expanding access to therapies and treatments, we can help young people navigate these difficult times and improve their overall well-being.

In conclusion, it is important for families and schools to be vigilant of any signs of distress in adolescents and to seek help as soon as possible. By working together and supporting our youth, we can help them overcome these challenges and thrive in their daily lives.

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