Home » If anxiety and stress assail us rather than resorting to drugs that can be addictive, it is better to use this effective and innovative technique

If anxiety and stress assail us rather than resorting to drugs that can be addictive, it is better to use this effective and innovative technique

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Life is not always idyllic and happy. It is essential to rely on mental health experts to cope with particularly difficult times. Many people are used to running away from difficulties. However, this can be counterproductive in the long run.

In a previous article it was seen that not expressing emotions can have very serious consequences. Malaise can manifest itself through the body. Through headaches, gastroesophageal reflux, digestive difficulties. It is crucial to avert this inconvenient occurrence in every way. Fortunately, there are many useful remedies.

If anxiety and stress assail us rather than resorting to drugs that can be addictive, it is better to use this effective and innovative technique.

Man tends to find remedies for his malaise

Since the dawn of time, man has tended to find remedies for his malaise. It is human nature. When any kind of problem arises, we try to solve it as soon as possible.

If we are prey to anxiety, for example, tranquilizers are used. Remember to always contact your GP before taking psychotropic substances.

By exploiting the natural tendency of man to self-medicate, however, it is possible to face the discomfort individually.

If anxiety and stress assail us rather than resorting to drugs that can be addictive, it is better to use this effective and innovative technique.

Autogenic training

Autogenic training is an activity that aims to encourage individual well-being. It consists of a kind of training that involves the body and especially the mind. It can be used in a variety of situations. It is particularly suitable for counteracting stress and anxiety. Each of us can use this technique.

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These are simple exercises. A position must be taken. You lie on your back or sit in an armchair. From time to time we focus on parts of the body and imagine different characteristics such as heat or heaviness. Breath is examined by checking exhalation and aspiration. The positive side effect will be a regularization of the heartbeat and a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms.

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