Home » In addition to creams and oils to firm up loose skin on arms and thighs, at 50 we also tone muscles with these 4 exercises

In addition to creams and oils to firm up loose skin on arms and thighs, at 50 we also tone muscles with these 4 exercises

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In addition to creams and oils to firm up loose skin on arms and thighs, at 50 we also tone muscles with these 4 exercises

The more the years go by, the more our body loses elasticity and relaxes more and more, causing a flabby effect on the skin. Also contributing negatively are drastic diets, where in a short time we lose many kilos, or as a result of pregnancies or unbalanced lifestyles and nutrition. In short, many factors seem to contribute to skin aging, putting us in some difficulty.

Even more so if we don’t do regular physical activity and we are approaching menopause, it could be really difficult to hope for toned and elastic skin. To counteract the loss of elastin and collagen, a diet rich in skin friendly foods and even natural products could help.

In addition to creams and oils to firm up loose skin on arms and thighs, at 50 we also tone muscles with these 4 exercises

We include in our eating habits the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C and E, and we do not underestimate hydration. Therefore, we drink a lot of water during the day, also to expel toxins and promote skin health.

We could also use specific products to drain and tone the skin, such as creams and serums with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants. In addition, natural oils could also help, also adding massages to do as we apply them.

Therefore, we could choose geranium, rosemary, lemon or natural essential oils such as almond, jojoba or argan oil. We will have to distribute them throughout the body and not only in the areas most prone to accumulating fat. If we create a daily routine, including hydration, massages and exfoliation, surely our skin will only find benefit.

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Besides creams and oils to firm loose skin, nutrition and good habits, however, it is necessary not to be sedentary and to practice some activities. This doesn’t just mean taking short walks, but integrating the movement with some simple exercises to make your muscles firmer and more toned.

A simple home workout

If we are over 50 and are not very trained, we can ask for a consultation in the gym or a personal trainer, to determine the best path. In the meantime, if we do not have particular pathologies and joint disorders, it will be enough to carry out some simple exercises at home.

We use a broom stick or a towel to train the arms while standing. We grasp the ends with our hands and raise them above the head as if to form a “V”, then lower the arms up to the back of the neck.

To train arms and legs at the same time, we do a quick march on the spot and with high knees, we bend the arms bringing the hands to the chest. To avoid saggy skin on the thighs, let us stretch out completely on a mat, arms at your sides and, with your legs stretched out, do some small scissors.

Finally, we do the Bulgarian lunges keeping the leg behind with the foot resting on a chair, while we bend the other to create a right angle.

Recommended reading

In addition to aloe and honey, these natural ingredients could be useful for radiant, smooth and smooth skin even at the age of 50

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