Home » In addition to forgetfulness, there are 5 symptoms of juvenile dementia that devour the mind and memory

In addition to forgetfulness, there are 5 symptoms of juvenile dementia that devour the mind and memory

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It would be comforting to know that only with the arrival of the third age you will have the first difficulties in memorizing and planning the different daily activities. In reality, there are very early forms of Alzheimer’s that affect some people as early as 40 years of age. Very often, in fact, not old age but these 5 brain opponents cause dementia and memory loss. It can certainly happen to anyone regardless of age to forget the keys or the place where the car is parked. Especially in coincidence with periods of greater emotional and / or work stress, it happens to be very difficult to concentrate on the tasks to be performed. The attention curve is lowered more frequently and one gets the impression that the mind cannot hold back information.

But if even in the absence of mental fatigue the feeling of disorientation and memory lapses remain, it is advisable to monitor these phenomena with greater scruple. And this is because in addition to forgetfulness, there are 5 symptoms of juvenile dementia that devour the mind and memory and which it would be preferable not to neglect. Not only because a new drug slows the decline of the brain that begins to forget names and words, but also to keep brain function elastic.

In addition to forgetfulness, there are 5 symptoms of juvenile dementia that devour the mind and memory

First of all, we could focus on prevention and experiment with 3 new ways to keep the brain active and healthy against dementia and Alzheimer’s. And secondly, it is worthwhile to identify the first signs of decay in the light of the NIA-AA criteria. To classify and identify the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, we currently refer to diagnostic tools that detect the presence of specific symptoms. Beyond the forgetfulness, there are other behavioral and / or cognitive symptoms that make it possible to diagnose mental illness. First of all, the difficulty of carrying out usual jobs and activities and a slowdown in carrying out actions compared to the skills that were previously possessed.

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Another sign of brain deterioration is the deficit in the dynamics of reasoning and in the execution of more difficult tasks. In fact, it could be difficult to evaluate the dangers, to make the most appropriate decisions, to manage money and expenses. A further sign of early dementia is to be found in the loss of some language skills for which it is difficult to name objects in common use.

Just as some subjects experience a reduced ability to write or read along with other language alterations. And finally, the impairment of the intellectual faculties could also manifest itself through evident changes in behavior and social conduct. In fact, it is not uncommon to register forms of isolation, giving up passions and hobbies, as well as depression and anxiety together with confusion and unjustified fears.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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