Home » in Granda free visits to women with cases of family cancer – Targatocn.it

in Granda free visits to women with cases of family cancer – Targatocn.it

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Onda Foundation, National Observatory on Women’s and Gender Health, organizes the 29 June an (H) -Open Day involving the Gynecology and Gynecological Oncologies of the Bollini Rosa network hospitals.

Throughout the national territory, in the hospitals participating in the project, free clinical-diagnostic and information services will be offered such as face-to-face and virtual visits and consultations, telephone interviews, exams, conferences and info points.

“This initiative is part of a broader project that also saw the organization of a virtual event, on the occasion of the IX World Ovarian Cancer Day, with the involvement of central and regional institutions, the scientific community with the main reference companies and patient associations “, explains Francesca Merzagora, President of the Onda Foundation. “Of all cancers, gynecological and not, ovarian cancer remains the most insidious to date. Having centers of reference in which oncologists sensitive to the humanization of care work is increasingly important. Humanizing treatment means not identifying the most effective therapy at all costs by following the cold indicators of scientific publications regardless of side effects and impact on quality of life, but first understanding the patient’s life dynamics and involving her in the choice of a therapeutic path that safeguards the quality of your time.

The aim of the initiative is to promote correct information on prevention strategies and new therapeutic possibilities that improve the quality of life of patients as well as facilitate access to early diagnosis in the context of the main gynecological cancers affecting the uterus and ovaries.

The S. Croce and Carle Hospital, in agreement and in collaboration with the ASL CN1, will proceed to disseminate the information material created on the occasion of the (H) Open Onda Foundation Gynecology Day. In addition, the two companies offer the possibility of a free gynecological examination in July to women with a family history of gynecological tumors, who have had a tumor or with suspicious symptoms. To arrange an appointment, you can call from Monday to Friday from 11.00 to 13.00 at the following numbers:

  • AO Santa Croce and Carle di Cuneo 0171 642369
  • Regina Montis Regalis Hospital of Mondovì 0174 677467
  • SS Annunziata Hospital of Savigliano 0172 719068- 0172 719358
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In Italy, according to AIOM’s “Cancer numbers 2020”, in 2020 more than 10,000 new diagnoses of uterine cancer (body and cervix) and about 5,000 of the ovary were expected. Unfortunately, always in Italy, endometrial cancer, a neoplasm that affects the body of the uterus, is one of the most frequent female cancers and cervical cancer represents the fifth most common cancer in women under 50 years of age and overall the 1.3% of all diagnosed. More than 80% of patients with ovarian cancer have a recurrence of the disease and the quality of surgery with the correct maintenance therapy is essential to offer patients more quality of life and time without symptoms of the disease.

On the occasion of the (H) -Open day, an information brochure will be distributed which can be downloaded free of charge from the website www.ondaeravatorio.it.

The services offered by hospitals will be available from June 15 on the website www.bollinirosa.it where it will be possible to view the list of participating centers with information on timetables and booking procedures. To access the search engine, just click on the banner “See the services offered” on the Home Page.

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