Home » Influenza B, boom in cases in spring: what it is, what the symptoms are and how to treat it

Influenza B, boom in cases in spring: what it is, what the symptoms are and how to treat it

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Influenza B, boom in cases in spring: what it is, what the symptoms are and how to treat it

by Editorial Staff

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If December and January were two months affected by seasonal flu, even in the month of March with frequent temperature changes we will see an escalation of respiratory and intestinal diseases.

In particular, according to the national deputy secretary of the Italian Federation of Doctors Pierluigi Bartoletti between March and April “flu B will arrive, which mainly affects children and young people”.

In the spring we will see an increase in flu cases, but is there anything to worry about? Let’s find out what influenza B is and what are its main symptoms?

What is influenza B and what are its symptoms

Influenza, caused by influenza viruses, is a contagious respiratory disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. The most obvious symptoms are fever, chills, headache, cough, sore throat and fatigue. It is transmitted mainly through respiratory droplets and direct contact with contaminated surfaces.

In elderly people and fragile subjects, the flu can cause serious complications, which is why it is important to follow prevention rules such as vaccination, hand washing and maintaining healthy hygiene behaviours.

Influenza viruses can be of types A, B o C. Influenza A is the most common type of influenza and can cause global epidemics and pandemics. It is associated with greater genetic variability and can infect both humans and animals, such as birds and pigs.

Influenza B usually causes less severe outbreaks, although it can still have a significant impact on public health, while influenza C is less common and generally causes milder symptoms than other forms of influenza. Influenza C is unlikely to cause epidemics and pandemics and is not usually included in seasonal flu vaccines. It mainly affects children and young adults.

Influenza B causes symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, but also abdominal pain and gastro-intestinal disorders. Compared to influenza A, this type of influenza is less alarming and tends to cause less severe epidemics, although a new vaccine is needed to be formulated every year to adapt to the prevailing variants and protect the population.

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In more serious cases the infection can result pneumonia, bronchitis, respiratory difficulties, myositi (inflammations of muscle tissue), myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) e SEPS.

How to cure influenza B

Since influenza B is of viral origin, it cannot be treated with antibiotics, but the main symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter drugs such as antipyretics and anti-inflammatories. In these cases, absolute rest is indicated to allow the body to fight the infection effectively.

Usually the symptoms tend to ease and disappear within 7-10 days. When high fever occurs, especially in children and fragile subjects, it is advisable to contact the pediatrician or your doctor.

In addition to vaccinationhighly recommended for the most vulnerable patients, there are some good hygiene practices that can help reduce the risk of contracting and spreading influenza type B such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing, avoiding close contact with sick people, covering your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, avoid contact with sick people and stay at home when you have the flu so as not to spread the infection to others.

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