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Ingesting nanoplastics doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke

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Ingesting nanoplastics doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke

The health effects of nanoplastics human are important. For the first time, a study has shown that the very small particles we ingest through food and drink are localized in the atherosclerotic plaques of the arteries, doubling the risk of heart disease.

The news comes from an Italian study, coordinated by the University of Campania Vanvitelli, in collaboration with various research centers, such as Harvard Medical School in Boston, the IRCSS Multimedica of Milan, the IRCSS INRCA of Ancona and the universities of Ancona, Sapienza of Rome and Salerno. You can read the results in the scientific journal The New England Journal of Medicine.

EEffects of nanoplastics on health: they are found in almost all organs of the body

Many studies have already shown that Plastic nanoparticles are found in various organs and tissues, including the liver, lungs, placenta and breast milk. Traces of this material they were also found in feces.

Researchers have found that atherosclerotic plaques often contain these micro particles of polyethylene and PVC. These are two extremely widespread compounds that we find in bottles, building materials and films.

The research that first demonstrated the effects of nanoplastics on health

The working group monitored the data of 257 patients over the age of 65. All underwent endarterectomy for asymptomatic carotid stenosis. This is an operation to remove plaques. The researchers then analyzed them with an electron microscope. They thus discovered the presence of PE particles in 58.4% of patients and PVC particles in 12.5%.

Risk of cardiovascular disease doubles even considering all other risk factors

The experts monitored the patients for about 34 months. The results of the analysis showed that those who had plaques with plastics had at least double the risk of heart attack, stroke or all-cause mortality. This occurred regardless of other risk factors such as age, sex, smoking, body mass index, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar values ​​or previous cardiovascular events.

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Why does the heart have such important consequences?

The most accredited hypothesis is that plastic has an inflammatory effect, which leads plaques to rupture, causing blood clots, which in turn can cause heart attacks or strokes. Previous studies had already confirmed that plastics raise the levels of oxidative stress and inflammation in the endothelial cells that cover the blood vessels. Other research had focused on altering heart rhythm.

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