Home » Iron morning routine: Jennifer Lopez trains this early – every day

Iron morning routine: Jennifer Lopez trains this early – every day

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Iron morning routine: Jennifer Lopez trains this early – every day

Superstar Jennifer Lopez trains hard for her fitness and shape. Now she has revealed amazing details. FOCUS online says how early J.Lo gets up in the morning and how her day goes.

Jennifer Lopez works out every day not only to look good on the red carpet, but to feel good too. Moving her body helps her keep a positive mental attitude, she explained in an interview with Us Weekly.

Sport is an important part of J.Lo’s everyday life

“It’s no secret that fitness is a very important part of my life,” said Ben Affleck’s wife and mother of twins Max and Emme. “I think there’s a positive correlation between exercise and mental health.”

Lopez starts the day with sport. According to Us Weekly, she gets up at 4:45 a.m.

This is Jennifer Lopez’s fitness secret

J.Lo mixes up her workouts. “I’m constantly evolving and looking for things that excite and motivate me,” she explained. “I’m not afraid to challenge myself, so I’m open to pushing myself, which is what I’m doing right now while rehearsing for my new album. It’s coming out this summer.”

She does kickboxing, circuit training, core work, lunges, and burpees, among other things.

She was on the verge of burnout: This is how Jennifer Lopez deals with stress today

As her career took off, Lopez paid less attention to stress. “There was a time in my life when I slept three to five hours a night. I was on set all day and in the studio all night, shooting videos on the weekends. I was in my late 20s and thought I was invincible,” she wrote in On the JLo in July 2022.

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“Until one day I was sitting in a trailer and the work and stress, coupled with not enough sleep, caught up with me.”

She felt frozen. “I thought I was going insane. Now I know it was a classic panic attack brought on by exhaustion, but I had never heard the term at the time.”

After consulting a doctor, she realized how serious the consequences could be if she ignored what the body and mind needed to be healthy — “and that’s where my journey to wellness began,” summarizes Lopez.

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