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Is Carnitine In The Urine The Breakthrough?

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Is Carnitine In The Urine The Breakthrough?

A study conducted by Stacey Reinke of the ECU and Craig Wheelock of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden testify how effective new treatments for asthma could emerge.

Lo studio conducted by the Edith Cowan University and whose content was recently published in the scientific magazine Respiratory Journalshares what has been described as a very important discovery as far as it concerns l’asthma.

L’asma, disease chronic inflammatory pathway aerialcould therefore be effectively treated thanks to the new discovery.

For those who suffer d’asthma there are already cures that help against the obstruction – which in any case is generally reversible – of the gods bronchi.

With theinflammation of the bronchi these fill with liquid and produce an excess of mucus. So for those who suffer from it, it is hard to live with coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other disabling consequences. Reason why the new discovery opens up new hopes to give hope to those affected by inflammatory disease.

New research that could help cure asthma

Asthma, a discovery could change the fate of those who suffer from it

What the researchers put in place was a detailed profile analysis biochemist of subjects severe asthmatics. The result was a clear difference in urine compared to healthy subjects.

Responsible is a particular metabolitethe carnitine. The metabolite in the subjects analyzed is in fact found at very low levels. The carnitine they are essential for cell energy generation and also for immune responses, which is why the new discovery could represent one turning point to better understand the disease and consequently find more effective treatments.

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Researchers have indeed highlighted how to improve the treatments against l’asthma it is essential to first understand the complex basic mechanisms. Therefore, analyzing the “metabolome” that is the chemical profile of the body as it is an excellent “body diary” able to provide important information on pathological processes.

Discoveries such as that of the difference in urinary metabolome between subjects asthmatics serious and healthy could be really helpful to medicine. The reason is intuitive: biochemical changes in the lungs can affect blood flow. Precisely for this reason then the substances to be expelled forcibly pass through the urine, which then if analyzed can give useful results to understand new details on respiratory tract disorders.

A great result which needs further analysis, but which lays the foundations for a very good way:

These are preliminary results, but we will continue to study carnitine metabolism to evaluate its potential as a new target for the treatment of asthma.

He concluded Reinkeone of the researchers.

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