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Is frozen fish as good as fresh fish?

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Is frozen fish as good as fresh fish?

Il the fish to be preferred is the fresh onecaught and of small size. Despite having nutritional characteristics that are not too different from the frozen one, it has a unique texture and flavour. It is necessary to underline how often what we find in the supermarket counters described as fresh actually has a few days of “life”. In fact, it is necessary to consider, especially for those who do not live in marine areas, the times of transport, distribution and processing of the food.

For what concern frozen fish, if freezing, cold storage and subsequent thawing are performed correctly, they allow to minimize changes in the appearance, structure and flavor of the fish. On the contrary, if the various steps have been done badly, the brightness, colour, texture and flavor of the fish will be heavily conditioned.

In any case, if you decide to buy the latter type of food, it is essential to carefully observe the packaging e make sure it is not torn or tampered with in any way; you must also pay attention to any ice crystals that can form inside the package or, even, to the spots or even discolored parts on the fish itself: these are signs that the freezing or preservation process have not been carried out in an optimal manner.

Doctor Pietro Senette – Nutritionist

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