Home » It only takes 20 minutes of this daily activity to stimulate the thyroid without drugs

It only takes 20 minutes of this daily activity to stimulate the thyroid without drugs

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Millions of Italians suffer from disorders related to thyroid malfunction. The thyroid is a gland found in the frontal area of ​​the base of the neck. Its main function is to produce hormones, especially the triiodotironina and the tetraiodothyronine, also known as T3 and T4. Among other things, these hormones affect the metabolic process.

The main dysfunctions affecting the thyroid are hyperthyroidism (excessive production of hormones) and hypothyroidism (poor production of the same). This second disease is the most widespread and affects about 5% of the Italian population. The symptoms are different, among the most common are fatigue, bloating, constipation, high cholesterol and lowered metabolism. The latter leads to rapid weight gain, even without following who knows how irregular diets.

It is customary to keep the effects of hypothyroidism at bay with special medicines, such as Levothyroxine. But it only takes 20 minutes of this daily activity to stimulate the thyroid without drugs, increasing hormone production and metabolism. We are talking about a training practice called metabolic training.

The incredible effects of a 20 minute workout on thyroid malfunction

Metabolic training is a program that involves repeated high-intensity effort for the period of time that allows it. It is also called High Intensity Training (or HIIT). It must never exceed half an hour of time, precisely because it must guarantee a high intensity for the duration of the exercises. It only takes 20 minutes of this daily activity to stimulate the thyroid without drugs, because metabolic training increases the production of thyroid hormones.

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The theory was proven by a study conducted on some Norwegian skiers who practice cross-country skiing. After training, athletes’ blood levels of T3 and T4 hormones increased significantly, returning to their previous levels only after 4 days.

The main metabolic training protocols are TABATA, EMOM and AMRAP (we have explained them here). They are all doable at home, without the use of tools. Doing three metabolic workouts per week (one hour total per week) helps counteract the effects of hypothyroidism. It goes without saying that our aerobic capacity and fitness will also improve.


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