Home » It seems incredible but this extraordinary food is enough to stock up on omega-3s

It seems incredible but this extraordinary food is enough to stock up on omega-3s

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Omega-3s are also known as good fats, which are useful for the proper functioning of various body functions.

Not everyone knows that our body cannot produce them independently, if not with the right diet or with specific supplements.

They are extremely important for our well-being, in fact they also perform a preventive function against some diseases that are harmful to health.

It seems incredible but this extraordinary food is enough to stock up on omega-3s

Salmon is a fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, this is because it must insulate its body from the cold, since it lives mainly in the north.

However, this type of fish contains good fats which, taken in moderation and integrated into a correct diet, are beneficial.

Salmon is good for the heart, thanks to the omega-3s, and when consumed in the right quantity, it reduces the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. While, in the case of prolonged intake also of triglycerides.

In fact, not everyone knows that incorporating salmon-containing recipes into the food queen is a great way to get omega-3s and reap the benefits.

As for smoked salmon, it is necessary to consider the higher sodium content compared to the fresh one, but it is still rich in omega-3s, vitamins and minerals.

The omega-3s in smoked salmon have anti-inflammatory properties and have the ability to reduce inflammation caused by various forms of arthritis.

We can define it as an incredibly good food to be included in the diet but we must consume it with due moderation, to avoid an overload of sodium in the diet.

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It is good and rich in properties, it seems incredible but this extraordinary food is enough to stock up on omega-3s.


Smoked salmon should not be paired with cheeses or dairy products of various kinds.

Being rich in sodium, it promotes water retention, therefore, it is not recommended for those who already suffer from hypertension for other reasons.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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