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“It was him, I didn’t expect it”

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The husband: “Operated on the wrist, he has no strength”

A school with about 700 pupils. On Monday afternoon, next to the teacher, in the hospital in Legnano (all the towns where this story took place are east of Milan), there were her husband and children. “One is exactly the same age as the student who attacked her (in this article, updates on the 16-year-old student), the other is two years younger – says her husband -. My wife still doesn’t have the strength to talk about what happened. He’s under anesthesia. He has suffered wrist surgery for tendon reconstruction. The doctors told me of six stab wounds: in the collarbone, in the wrist, in the head». The professor reported three head wounds of 20 centimeters with parietal bone fractures, a supraclavicular puncture wound of 10 centimeters and right forearm injury of 15 centimeters and involvement of the nerves, tendons and ulnar artery. There prognosis provisional is at least 35 days.

“He loves his job as a teacher”

Someone wonders if, when all this is over, he will have the strength to go back to school. «It’s early to think about it – says Di Staso – There will be a long period of re-education, we are talking about September. And a path of psychological help will probably be necessary: both for her and for our children. But one thing is certain: this work my wife loves it. She is highly motivated and experienced, and this is the feedback we have always had from her students and families, but also from the managers she has worked with. My wife is well known and respected in the area. This is why the incident caused even more uproar ».

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“He thought a piece of the ceiling had fallen”

Il vice principal Davide Rondena said that, at the beginning, the teacher did not realize she had been attacked: “She thought something fell on her from the ceiling.” “It’s true,” explains her husband. “She Then she turned around and she saw the boy with knife». That boy who was a stranger to him. «He had never mentioned it to me in particular. He is like many others, with some scholastic difficulties, but nothing foreshadowed such a thing. Then, a thought can also be spent for this student. He ruined his life».

The affection of Licia Ronzulli

The Senator Licia Ronzulli, linked to Elisabetta’s family, she said: “If I know her, once she gets out of the operating room she’ll ask about the boy who hurt her.” “Probably,” confirms her husband. If she had never mentioned that particular student, “however, from his stories emerged the photograph of a school where there is a problem of an educational nature, even before scholastic – concludes Giuseppe Di Staso -. Adolescence has always been a problematic age, but even I, in my classes, realize that kids in this period are suffering. Added to this are the shortcomings of the state.

The visit of Minister Valditara

And he concludes: «Al Minister Valditarawho came to visit my wife, I asked about dedicate onselfbeyond the words of circumstance, to get more funds for school and public health, precisely for the prevention of youth discomfort. It would be important have one psychologist in schools. At the moment we have a really bland and sip support».

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