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Lethal worms present in water with “fatal effects”

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Lethal worms present in water with “fatal effects”

New health danger for sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, an infection – to say the least massive – and definitely very, very worrying as regards the female population of the place has already been hypothesized. And so it was on alert. But there are also those who still feel invulnerable. Symptoms and help from other more developed countries.

Alarm in South Africa due to a new health emergency that seems to affect mostly the female population. What does it consist of? In some lethal worms, present in the water. But for the local inhabitants there seems to be no solution. Clean, drinkable water is almost a mirage for them! The testimonies, really strong and touching.

In South Africa there is alarm, a new deadly enemy for women

A new invisible enemy, almost unknown and lethal. In Zambia, gods parasitic worms present in water, they lay eggs inside female bodies, “causing fatal effects”.

Harrier Barber, reporter di Telegraph who deals with health globally, writes that in this region fluke worms are endemic. They are released by freshwater snails, they look for “a host” and to do so they sneak under the skin. Once in the bloodstream, they travel through the organs, leading to deadly consequences.

It seems that today in Subsaharan Africa, as the World Health Organization speculates, that 56 million women and girls have been infected and are also struggling with female genital schistosomiasis (Fgs), better known as bilharzia or snail fever.

A disease – in truth – normally treatable, but seen the poverty of the place and the lack of resources present on site really hard to put into practice.

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There are also those who feel invulnerable and those who cannot use more water

But despite this real and grave danger, there is still a religious congregation that also meets quite frequently on the banks of the Kafue Riverin which – we say it clearly for the record – parasites are found and, even knowing they are in danger, the members believe they are to be invulnerable.

“He can’t touch us because we came to pray”- said the leader of the group with a certain, with a large cross painted on a white cloak.

The woman then went on to say: “We have God’s protection”.

Furthermore, it must also be said that for many people, however, being in contact with infected water is – unfortunately – part of their daily life.

Rivers, lakes and puddles, although highly harmful, are absolutely essential for washing clothes and utensils, fish and wash.

Moono Simushi39, Livingstone resident, struggling with snail fever since the beginning of this year, al Telegraph he said he contracted the disease from a pool of water, located near his home.

These are his dramatic and touching words: “My water supply was closed because I couldn’t pay for it. In a neighboring house there is a leaking pipe. She made a puddle where I go to wash clothes and dishes, I also take it to bathe. But not I have an alternative water source”.

The most obvious symptoms

Among other things, it does not exist yet a vaccine and Dr. Kaubula, WHO member, says that, although they are, given in hand, less common, traditional healers are still widespread, especially in rural areas: “It is a cultural question. Before, when someone got sick, he went to traditional healers. Only now are they starting to go to the hospital“. But let’s get to the symptoms …

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Symptoms of worm disease it can take years to develop, and most sufferers do not immediately realize they have contracted it. Which ones are they? Itchy red bumps where worms live, fever, diarrhea and muscle aches are the warning signs of snail fever.

Some they have pain, also very strong, to the genitals and urinating blood. Furthermore, the danger of contracting HIV or cervical cancer is very high.

Many countries have mobilized today to bring aid to the population and among them Japan and Tunisia have been successful while – apparently – the Caribbean and Morocco are right now – as they say – on the right track.

Brazil, China and Egypt are in turn committed to investments aimed at the control of snails and the real and timely improvement of access toclean waterwhich is a primary commodity in addition to providing preventive chemotherapy in school age.

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