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Look at your legs, if you notice this sign you should see a doctor right away

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Look at your legs, if you notice this sign you should see a doctor right away

If a strange mark has appeared on your legs that you cannot explain, the best thing to do is see a doctor because you may have this problem.

Woman consulting a doctor (Pexels)


Our legs, like the rest of the body, they must be in good health to carry out their vital functions. That is why it is necessary to intervene if problems arise. These can be different and have to do with muscles, skin, nerves or blood vessels.

Among those affecting the skin is a condition known as “strawberry legs”, precisely because their appearance resembles the peel and seeds of the similar fruit. And if so sign it also occurred on your legs why should you see a doctor right away? Let’s find out together.

Pay attention to this mark on the legs: better consult a doctor

strawberry legs
Strawberry Legs Sign (Pinterest – tumblr.com)

If we are not careful enough while taking care of ourselves, our body could point it out to us. For example, if small red or black dots begin to appear on the legs then it means that we are facing a rash called “strawberry legs”Because of its reference to the well-known fruit. But when does this problem arise?

The reasons can be different:

  1. incorrect hair removal, especially if done with an old or unclean razor: ingrown hairs or folliculitis may appear as a result;
  2. folliculitis, which occurs when the hair follicle becomes infected or inflamed. This result derives from a shaving carried out with wax, razor blade or other methods that leave the hair follicle open and therefore exposed to the air or when the skin comes into contact with fungi, yeast and bacteria;
  3. dry skin: it does not darken the pores but can become irritated during hair removal and therefore cause strawberry legs;
  4. keratosis pilare: it is characterized by small bumps that are hard and rough to the touch, itchy and dry. The bumps caused by this condition are small accumulations of dead skin cells and protein keratin;
  5. clogged pores – this happens if dead skin, bacteria or dirt settles and mixes with skin oils that turn black when oxidized when exposed to air.
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Therefore try to identify the possible cause among these because the treatments can be different. In fact, you may be able to solve the problem on your own or need to see a doctor, especially if you have thick hair. The best thing to do, however, is always there prevention. So shave carefully and correctly using the razor blade with a moisturizer or foam. However, it is better to use an electric epilator as it is able to remove hair from the root.

Also, be careful to exfoliate your skin regularly. This will eliminate dead cells, prevent folliculitis, ingrown hair and acne. Now that you know what you can do to intervene in the case of “strawberry legs”, do not waste time and choose the right remedy for you.

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