Home » Lose weight without stress: Use the 2+2+4 method to lose belly fat

Lose weight without stress: Use the 2+2+4 method to lose belly fat

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Lose weight without stress: Use the 2+2+4 method to lose belly fat

The 2+2+4 formula is considered the secret weapon for losing weight. Not only can you achieve a flat stomach, but you can also reduce your biological age.

The formula is relatively simple: four days a week you eat a healthy diet and do strength or endurance training twice for 20 minutes.

This is the perfect way to integrate exercise and the right diet into your everyday life without having to change much.

How healthy is it to lose weight from your stomach?

Despite the fact that a flat and slim stomach is considered attractive for most people, low belly fat also has many health benefits.

Visceral fat: threatens diseases

With a pronounced amount of abdominal fat, the organs are put under corresponding strain. We are talking about so-called visceral belly fat, which is something that needs to be avoided.

Otherwise, heart attacks, various lipid metabolism disorders, type 2 diabetes and increased blood pressure can occur. Both well-being and performance are negatively affected by being overweight.

Enough good reasons to lose a little belly fat and pay more attention to your health in everyday life with the 2+2+4 formula.

This is how you can achieve your weight loss goals in a relaxed manner

You don’t have to change much to live a little healthier in your everyday life.

Watch your diet four days a week and do just 20 minutes of exercise to lose weight.

On average, you will then achieve a weight loss of 9 kilograms over the next three months. You can also maintain your weight and lose weight permanently.

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You’ll see weight loss results so quickly

As soon as you do 2 × 20 minutes each of strength training and endurance training and at the same time eat a reduced-calorie diet four days a week, you can change your life.

Your metabolism changes as you get older. This makes it all the more important to tackle the unwanted fat deposits. The 2+2+4 formula can offer you support in several ways.

Through endurance training you improve fat metabolism and also increase your daily calorie basal metabolic rate with additional strength training.

You will also soon notice better posture thanks to your strengthened abdominal muscles and core muscles!

How to lose belly fat with the 2+2+4 formula

Strength training, endurance sports and a low-calorie diet are the three key points for losing weight quickly. All three factors are taken into account in the 2+2+4 formula.

You have your weekly mix of endurance training, light strength training and good nutrition. Three days a week you can do whatever you want and are basically free.

Increase endurance training slowly

The formula is designed for a weekly dose. In the beginning it is enough to walk fast or run and jog slowly for your endurance training. You can just as easily choose cycling, skating, swimming or spinning. Always pay attention to the correct heart rate of 180 minus your age.

The muscles should always be involved in the movements so that you stimulate your cardiovascular system. This will boost your fat metabolism. This is how your body uses body fat.

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Strength training for an increased basal metabolic rate

Burning fat and building muscle are one and belong together. The natural enemy of fat in the body is muscle. So you should always strengthen your muscles properly. This will increase your basal metabolic rate and energy consumption.

You can spread the light strength training over three days of the week. These include, for example, pelvic raises, sit-ups and squats. But you can’t get rid of the lifebuoys just by doing these abdominal exercises.

To build muscle, you should train for several weeks. Here too, several sessions of 20 minutes each are sufficient.

Healthy eating is the be-all and end-all

With this diet you consume fewer calories and burn more energy at the same time. This will help you lose weight in the long run.

With the 2+2+4 formula you don’t count calories or grams.

Nevertheless, you should stick to the most important rules:

Eat two portions of fruit and vegetables of around 500 to 800 grams every day. Also prefer whole grain products and flaxseeds for fiber. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids regularly. Drinking enough means drinking around 40 ml of water per kilogram of your body weight. With a weight of 70 kilos, this corresponds to 2.8 liters of water. If water is too boring for you, you can also switch to unsweetened teas or diluted juice spritzers. When it comes to your diet, make sure you consume 1.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight every day. Fish such as tuna, salmon and herring are very suitable for this. You should completely avoid alcohol, white flour products and sugar. Hot spices support your metabolism. A maximum of two espressos per day can be used to promote the reduction of body fat through caffeine.

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Cheat days are also allowed

You have three cheat days every week. On these days you can enjoy alcohol, white flour products and sweets in moderation. Then you will appreciate these things even more.

It’s best to try to plan your week well so that you take your compensation days into account. You decide which days of the week you can cheat.

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