Home » Make your own dandelion tea to lose weight: the miracle drink supports the diet

Make your own dandelion tea to lose weight: the miracle drink supports the diet

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Make your own dandelion tea to lose weight: the miracle drink supports the diet

Dandelion has long been known for its healing properties. But did you know that dandelion tea is also a real slimming product? The refreshing spring drink lets the kilos tumble and supports every diet. In today’s post, I’ll explain how you can make my favorite variation yourself – with mint and berries. Dandelion tea to lose weight – here comes the recipe!

Dandelion tea for spring weight loss

Not weeds – dandelions are a welcome guest in my garden. Because I know that the weeds provide food for bees and butterflies. And if it spreads too quickly in the flower bed or between the paving stones of my garden path, I pluck it and prepare myself a refreshing spring drink. Because dandelion tea can do much more: it is a healthy alternative to juices and shakes and can support any diet. As with all other dandelion recipes, I only use fresh, yellow flowers. You can also place the flowers on newspaper and let them dry. Then store the dried flowers in an airtight and dark place.

Make your own tea with mint and berries: the ingredients

dandelion tea with berries and fresh mint

  • a handful of fresh or dried dandelion flowers
  • 1 tsp raspberry leaves
  • 10 fresh raspberries
  • 3-4 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tsp dandelion honey to sweeten

Dandelion tea to lose weight: the recipe

make dandelion tea yourself recipe

1. The procedure is very simple: I boil about 1 liter of water, then I take the pot off the stove and add the rinsed dandelion leaves and raspberry leaves to the water.

2. I let the tea steep for about 3-4 minutes and then strain it. Then I let it cool for about an hour and add the fresh raspberries and mint leaves at the end. I then chill the tea and sweeten it just before serving.

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3. I like to drink dandelion tea with my morning coffee (as a substitute for caffeinated drinks). A cup can boost metabolism and is also good for the bladder and kidneys. That’s why I always drink the tea when I’m planning a detox week and also when I’m on a diet.

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