Home » Many are unaware that a can of tuna hides this health hazard

Many are unaware that a can of tuna hides this health hazard

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A can of tuna is the ideal solution when you really don’t have time to prepare a lunch or dinner. It opens, drains and pours onto the plate, perhaps in the company of a frugal side dish. Most of us also believe it is an absolutely healthy meal, rich in protein and omega 3.

But many do not know that canned tuna, according to recent research carried out by the National Resource Defence Council, contains worrying levels of mercides, which makes it advisable to reduce consumption. While it is true that mercury is contained in all fish, in some the percentage is so low as to be negligible. Tuna, on the other hand, can be particularly rich in this toxic substance, if ingested in large quantities.

Many are unaware that a can of tuna hides this health hazard

Precisely for this reason, experts recommend never eating fish that contains a lot of it, such as tuna, more than twice a week.

Some people are more at risk than others. Among them are pregnant women. Studies state that taking in too much mercury during gestation can impair the normal brain formation of the fetus. Even for young children, an exaggerated amount of mercury can lead to cognitive problems. For this reason, the Food and Drug Administration has advised pregnant or lactating women not to eat more than 340 grams of tuna per week.

Fertility problems related to mercury intake

Another study recently showed that mercury has detrimental effects on both male and female fertility. A high level of mercury in the blood can reduce reproductive abilities, altering the Leydig cells and the menstrual cycle.

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This does not mean that we must avoid canned tuna as if it were poison, but simply that it is good to reduce its consumption, even if it is the most comfortable meal there is.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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