Home » Marta Fascina leaves dead Silvio Berlusconi’s villa

Marta Fascina leaves dead Silvio Berlusconi’s villa

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Marta Fascina leaves dead Silvio Berlusconi’s villa

According to new information, the girlfriend of the recently deceased Silvio Berlusconi, Marta Fascina, is to move out of the magnate’s luxury villa. Will his children now also have to pay 100 million euros for it?

What remains for Marta Fascina after the death of Silvio Berlusconi?

Apparently, the children of tycoon Silvio Berlusconi show no mercy towards his “widowed” partner Marta Fascina. They are said to have evicted the Italian MP from the luxurious San Martino estate in Arcore without tolerance. Basically, the custom provides for a six-month mourning period for the wife of the deceased and three months for the other relatives. In this case, however, Silvio Berlusconi’s heirs will show no sympathy for their father’s last passion.

Marta Fascina and her family, who support her at this difficult moment, must now move elsewhere, writes La Repubblica. The children of Italy’s ex-prime minister are desperate to regain full control of the 18th-century palace. Her father is said to have loved him very much and spent the last months of his life there. At the time, Silvio Berlusconi was accompanied by his beloved Marta Fascina, whom he also called his wife, without entering into an official marriage with her. The 54-year-old politician now has three months to leave the magnate’s luxury villa in Arcore.

Do lawyers decide on the sum inherited from Fascina?

“The second phase of the implementation of Berlusconi’s will has begun and Marta Fascina should not even consider that she can be the first in line to the throne,” said a senior Forza Italia official. “The children clearly want their own space and at the same time respect the wishes of the knight,” he explained.

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According to him, Silvio Berlusconi’s children have no intention of contesting their father’s will. This would be possible, although it remains doubtful whether the 100 million euros he left his lover with a handwritten note from his hospital bed will be paid to her by the lawyers. According to analysts, this will happen provided that Marta treats the family with respect and does not make excessive demands.

According to his will, the luxury villa in San Martino belongs to Berlusconi’s children, and according to lawyers, the amount set for Fascina will be reduced. However, this is a hypothesis that currently remains unconfirmed. In Italy, journalists are also focusing on another issue arising from the death of Silvio Berlusconi: Forza Italia party’s debt to the late magnate.

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