Home » May 1st, Pd-M5s and unions on the barricades: “Only propaganda in the government decree on work”

May 1st, Pd-M5s and unions on the barricades: “Only propaganda in the government decree on work”

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Photogallery – Cgil, Cisl and Uil demonstration in Potenza for May Day: “Founded on work”

Uil: those 4 billion are not enough The criticism of the trade union forces, and in particular of the CGIL and UIL, is therefore not only linked to the unprecedented decision to organize a government meeting on Labor Day. It is in fact also extended to the content of the decree. While appreciating the decision to allocate 4 billion to cut the tax wedge, union leaders complain of shortcomings, albeit with different nuances, already noted in the meeting at Palazzo Chigi with Giorgia Meloni. And they ask, as Pierpaolo Bombardieri of Uil does, to find “other resources. Perhaps with extra profits, taxing banks and large companies”.

Photogallery – 1st May, the procession in Turin

Landini: “Continue with the mobilization until we have answers” Landini’s CGIL also lasts, while Luigi Sbarra’s CISL extends credit towards the executive, awaiting the proof of the facts. The leader of the CGIL explains: “The measures decided by the government do not go in the direction we request. We will continue the joint mobilization and, if we do not have answers, we are all ready together to continue protesting until we have obtained the results we need. For us, the Constitution is not only to be celebrated for its 75th birthday, it is the reference for changing the country and making reforms. And we will not allow anyone to change it. We will continue until victory. They have not won and will not win” .

Girogetti: “The controversy over having given more money was incredible” Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti thus replies to the attacks: “It’s incredible how there can be controversy after a measure that has put more money in the pockets of Italians. We have doubled and tripled the cut in the tax wedge. This is the priority for us “.

Pd-M5s: propaganda measures from the government The critical and wait-and-see attitude of the unions is supported above all by the Pd and M5s, which reject the premier’s choice to reunite the CDM on Labor Day, but above all point the finger at “propaganda and measures that increase precariousness”. In Sicily, to participate in the procession in Portella della Ginestra, the secretary of the dem Elly Schlein raises the issue of the “minimum wage” underlining that in Italy “work is too poor and too pirated”. She is echoed by the deputy of the party, Chiara Gribaudo, who accuses the executive of “insulting May 1st by presenting a work decree that provides for more precariousness and less protection”. The M5s leader Giuseppe Conte is also tough, announcing a demonstration in June “against the government, against the dismantling of income and against the precarious decree”. Controversial then Nicola Fratoianni, who observes: “It is clear that on this 1st May we cannot celebrate, but prepare for the fight”.

Action: positive things in the decree To break the front of the criticisms of the opposition are the parliamentarians of Action. “The controversies over the convening of a Council of Ministers on Labor Day are honestly not understandable”, observes Mariastella Gelmini. And the leader Carlo Calenda: “There are positive things and other aspects of this legislative decree that we want to study more carefully in the next few hours”.

Compact centre-right The entire center-right is united around the government and praises not only the provision, but also the choice to hold the CDM on a symbolic day. “From the left and from the no unions the usual controversies and the usual marches (with puppets, insults and burnt flags), from the League and from the center-right to the government tax cuts and salary increases”, attacks Salvini. Maurizio Gasparri increases the dose, who warns: “We don’t just need dances and concerts, we need concrete acts and that’s what Forza Italia and the government are doing”. The same accusations from the FdI group leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti: “While the left strums in the squares, the Meloni government approves, on a symbolic date such as May 1, a provision that radically improves the conditions of employees”.

Photogallery – 1st May, the procession in Milan

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