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Menstrual cups tested: a good alternative to tampons?

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Menstrual cups tested: a good alternative to tampons?

Menstrual cups: Sustainable alternative to tampons

Something is happening in the period market. Tampons remain by far the number one aid and are used by 75 percent of menstruators. But the menstrual cup is catching up. Its trump card: It can be used over many cycles and thus fits in with the zeitgeist of avoiding disposable products. So far, according to surveys, about 13 percent of menstruators have reached for a cup.

This is what our test of tampons and cups offers

  • TestĀ­ergebĀ­nisse. Our two tables show ratings from Stiftung Warentest for 10 menstrual cups and 19 tampons with normal or regular absorbency, including products made from organic cotton. Brands tested include ob, Einhorn, Always, Lunette and Selenacare, as well as private label and discount products.
  • background and tips. We provide application tips for menstruating women and explain how they can prevent toxic shock syndrome. And we say how the sustainability of cups and tampons is.
  • HeftĀ­artikel. If you unlock the topic, you will get access to the PDF of the test report from the May issue of test.

What has Stiftung Warentest checked?

Does the cup do its job as well as tampons? Does it reliably absorb blood and is easy to use? What about pollutants like pesticides, heavy metals, brighteners, formaldehyde and plasticizers? To find out all of this, Stiftung Warentest had 10 period cups compete against 19 tampons.

Tampons and menstrual cups put to the test

For tampons, we preferred to choose the most commonly sold strength: “Regular”. For cups, we chose the medium size M or a larger size, where available. At least 20 women per group tested and judged the products.

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Good tampons and cups are also cheap

Most period helpers get a good test grade. Among the test winners are well-known brands, cheap and expensive products. Several tampons made of organic cotton also do well. Overall, the users were satisfied: Many products turned out to be comfortable and good. The best inexpensive tampons are available at a price of 3 cents each (prices: 3 to 30 cents per tampon), the best inexpensive cup for less than 20 euros (prices 9 to 29 euros per cup).

Organic tampons with weaknesses

Some tampons made from organic cotton showed weaknesses in the test points Security and AufnahmeĀ­verĀ­mƶĀ­gen. And of all things, a bio-tampon has a problem with it SchadĀ­stoffen. In a batch of Naty’s Eco product, we detected large amounts of surfactants that interfere with the hormone system and can be harmful to aquatic organisms. They have no place in organic cotton, especially in tampons that are worn on the body. Nevertheless, the product received an overall rating of “satisfactory”.

Avoid Toxic Shock Syndrome

Cause. If period products are worn inside the body and not changed for a long time, staphylococci with their toxic excretions can multiply in the abdomen. The bacteria can enter the body through injuries to the vaginal wall. In rare cases, they trigger toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a form of sepsis.

Happen. In Germany, between 50 and 80 people are treated in hospitals for TSS every year, according to hospital data. The last time there was a death was in 2000.

symptoms. If recognized early and correctly, TSS can be treated effectively. Symptoms include severe headache, drop in blood pressure, fever and rash. If they occur abruptly during the period, women should see a doctor immediately.

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Prevent. Choosing small tampon sizes and avoiding injuries from dry tampons or squeezing cups will prevent TSS. The Federal Association of Gynecologists advises limiting the wearing of tampons and cups to eight hours.

Cups: How long do the menstrual cups last in the test?

Environmentally conscious users often ask themselves: How long can the cups be used before they have to be disposed of? We didn’t check that. If you believe the providers, the cups last between eight months and ten years, depending on the product. That’s a big range. So: follow the instructions for use and always clean well.

Menstrual cups tested

  • Test results for 19 tampons 05/2021
  • Test results for 10 menstrual cups 05/2021

Tips: This is how it works with the menstrual cup

Find the right size. Which size suits you depends primarily on whether you have already delivered a child vaginally or not. In addition to the manufacturer’s recommendations on the product packaging, there are also numerous instructions on their websites.

Have patience. Especially in the beginning it is important to be relaxed and patient. The more practiced you are, the easier and quicker it will be to insert and remove the cups. There are different folding techniques for insertion. The manufacturers also offer detailed instructions on their websites.

Test at home. Menstrual cups must not only be removed, but also emptied. It is best to practice at home for the first few times before taking on the challenge of a public toilet. Many public toilets do not have a separate sink in the stall. Then it is advisable to have a bottle of water with you to wash the cup. Very important for at home and on the go: washing your hands before removing and after inserting.

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Boil and wash out. The menstrual cup should be sterilized in boiling water for 20 minutes before first use and after each period. Observe the manufacturer’s information. During the period it is sufficient to wash the cup with warm water at each change. Some providers also recommend using soap.

User comments posted before April 28, 2021 address a menstrual cup issue.

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