Home » “Mental health problems. I couldn’t walk anymore” – Libero Quotidiano

“Mental health problems. I couldn’t walk anymore” – Libero Quotidiano

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“Mental health problems. I couldn’t walk anymore” – Libero Quotidiano

Andrea Valle

The disappearance of Fedez from social media and the confusing rumors about his marital problems with Clare Ferragniafter a controversial Sanremo Festival, actually concealed a situation where sequins, photo-filters and gay kisses find little space.

Yesterday the Milanese rapper returned to Instagram, his favorite media, posting an explanatory and intense story, to clear up the rumors about his delicate personal moment: «Pancreatic cancer was a very traumatic event and only today did I realize how much I didn’t take care of my mental health», said Fedez, in a white T-shirt, with a hint of dark circles under his eyes, his voice serene but with an obvious note of tension that inevitably broke when, in tears, he admitted that he had relied on psychotropic drugs: «I changed them over the months until I found one that just wasn’t right for me. Since January I have been prescribed this very strong depressant which has changed me a lot, it has agitated me a lot and it has also given me side effects from a physical point of view, very strong, to the point of causing nervous tics in my mouth, preventing me from speaking freely. It gave me spasms and I could no longer walk».

Fedez and Ferragni, that shadow in the photo: crazy tam tam |  Look

Opening up to help yourself, and also helping others, after all. «This period has made me realize how much I want to focus on my mental health and above all on my family and my wife. Everyone has been told about her, and she’s the only person I’ve stood by her and I’m sorry she had to go through a totally undeserved media storm of shit», denying any rumor of parting, «I want to thank you because you had to look after a whole family and me in this period, and it’s not at all obvious, I’m truly a lucky man». And now? We will have to «deal with therapy. Without looking for shortcuts as I have done in recent months. Don’t look for shortcuts, because they can hurt you When something highly traumatic happens in your life, take care of your mental and emotional health, and don’t neglect your emotions or those of the people around you. A hug”.

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That sucks, get rich!  What a joke: insults fly against Fedez

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