Home » “More children arriving in Italy, the Government’s commitment to healthcare continues”

“More children arriving in Italy, the Government’s commitment to healthcare continues”

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Press release no. 6
Date of the press release February 3, 2024

Gaza, Schillaci: “More children arriving in Italy, the Government’s commitment to healthcare continues”

“Italy’s humanitarian operation continues to welcome and care for children from Gaza. After the healthcare provided to the injured children who arrived in Italy on 29 January, on Monday another group of refugees transported by the Vulcano ship will disembark in La Spezia and the injured children will be transferred to the Rizzoli in Bologna, the Buzzi in Milan, the Gaslini in Genoa, at the Meyer in Florence and at the Pini in Milan where they will receive all the necessary care and where cultural mediation support is also guaranteed in collaboration with the National Institute for the promotion of the health of migrant populations and for the fight against the diseases of poverty. The Ministry of Health immediately took action to launch this humanitarian mission and to ensure the provision of the best assistance by the structures identified for the reception of young patients. I thank once again the structures, doctors and health professionals who are taking care of the children, and the others who will arrive in the next few days, to whom we will continue to ensure all our support”.

This is what the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, declares.

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