Home » More than weakness, these symptoms in adults indicate low immune defenses with risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s

More than weakness, these symptoms in adults indicate low immune defenses with risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s

by admin

Many of us at certain times of the year find ourselves living with an unpleasant sense of exhaustion that is often accompanied by joint pain. To these are sometimes added a persistent headache, swelling of the hands and feet, in addition to tachycardia. Yet a first remedy is provided by nutrition so much that 4/5 grams are enough at lunch to combat fatigue, tachycardia and high blood pressure. If these phenomena persist and become a condition of permanent malaise, it is advisable to undergo specific clinical investigations and tests. Especially when you pass middle age, very common pathologies could arise which in any case should be diagnosed in time and treated. For example, these 3 symptoms at the age of 50 reveal that bad cholesterol is high and that we need to correct the diet and practice physical activity.

Similarly, more than weakness, these symptoms in adults indicate low immune defenses with risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s. And we also know that when the immune system goes haywire, our body is more exposed to the aggression of diseases and inflammation. Sometimes it is sufficient to supplement one’s diet with some vitamins to record a clear improvement in terms of psychophysical well-being in a short time. In fact, it could be a simple deficiency which can be overcome with a careful choice of some essential nutrients. Probably few know that not eggs and mushrooms but these 3 foods have more vitamin D against weakness and joint pain.

More than weakness, these symptoms in adults indicate low immune defenses with risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s

Usually when stress increases and the days are full of commitments and tasks to be carried out at a rapid pace, the immune system weakens. Furthermore, it should be considered that, according to what a study confirms, with advancing age there is still a physiological weakening of the immune barriers. This leads to greater exposure to aggression by neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases and the advancement of cancer cells. In addition to weakness, the lowering of the immune barrier is also manifested by persistent headaches, pain in muscles and joints, hair loss, cough, sore throat.

While these symptoms are among the most common, there are others that still derive from an inefficient immune system. One of the most vulnerable systems when immune reactions lose their effectiveness is the intestinal system. Which is to say that constipation, intestinal gas, diarrheal discharges, acidity and heartburn can often occur. The weakening of the defense system in fact exposes the digestive tract and the intestinal system to the attack of pathogens which are at the origin of inflammations and autoimmune diseases.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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