Home » Nasty fattening foods: Five common mistakes in the morning prevent you from losing weight

Nasty fattening foods: Five common mistakes in the morning prevent you from losing weight

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Nasty fattening foods: Five common mistakes in the morning prevent you from losing weight

A healthy morning routine is important to start the day fit and well. In fact, it can also help you lose weight – as long as you don’t make five mistakes.

1. You sleep too long

It is known that too little sleep promotes weight gain because, for example, metabolism and cholesterol levels suffer.

But the opposite is also the case: those who sleep more than ten hours may have a higher BMI than comparison people who sleep seven to eight hours.

2. You don’t make your bed

The point here is not that a proper bed reduces weight. But it does point to some good qualities. For example, that you are disciplined enough to pack a healthy lunch box or keep an eye on your daily calorie count.

3. You get ready in the dark

Sunlight not only replenishes vitamin D stores. The brightness in the morning also wakes up the metabolism, which immediately starts burning energy. Apparently just 20 to 30 minutes of morning light is enough to have a positive effect on your BMI.

4. You avoid going to the scales

Studies have shown that those who weigh themselves every day lose weight more easily or maintain their weight. The best time for this is the morning. Then you not only weigh the least, you can also act immediately if the weight has gone up a little.

5. You save on breakfast

The first meal of the day is – ideally – breakfast. And when you’re on a diet, you save on calories. Totally wrong!

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Because then the cravings hit you much earlier and stay with you all day long. If you eat plenty of food, you will have lower levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin after every meal – and thus save more calories overall per day.

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