Home » Neck wrinkles or rings of Venus, how are they treated? Because the signs of aging are so pronounced in this area

Neck wrinkles or rings of Venus, how are they treated? Because the signs of aging are so pronounced in this area

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Neck wrinkles or rings of Venus, how are they treated?  Because the signs of aging are so pronounced in this area

New Study Reveals Why Neck Skin Ages Faster

A new study has revealed that the skin on the neck tends to age faster than any other part of the body. Dr. Marta Brumana, a dermatologist at Humanitas San Pio of Milan, explains that the neck is particularly vulnerable to aging due to a combination of internal and external factors.

The thinning of the skin on the neck with age is mainly due to a decrease in collagen and elastin, two proteins essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Exposure to the sun, smoking, and pollution further accelerate the aging process of the neck skin.

One of the main culprits for neck aging is the platysma muscle, which can harden and cause the formation of vertical lines known as “turkey neck.” Additionally, the habit of constantly looking down at mobile phones, also known as “tech neck,” can lead to wrinkles and sagging skin on the neck.

To prevent neck aging, Dr. Brumana recommends using sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily and avoiding smoking. For those already experiencing signs of aging on their neck, there are various medical and aesthetic therapies available, including botulinum injections and hyaluronic acid treatments.

While there are no quick fixes for neck aging, taking preventive measures and seeking professional treatments can help slow down the aging process and improve the appearance of the neck. Remember to always consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon before undergoing any invasive procedures.

The study emphasizes the importance of neck care and highlights the need for attention to this often-neglected area of the body. By incorporating simple skincare habits and seeking professional guidance, individuals can maintain a youthful and healthy neck for years to come.

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Published on April 13, 2024, all rights reserved.

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