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Nervous hunger, the secrets to no longer give in to temptations that ruin your diet

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Nervous hunger, the secrets to no longer give in to temptations that ruin your diet

We often hear about nervous hunger, but we tend to think that it is a problem that can only concern others and minimize it. It’s actually an important and very widespread malaise at all ages.

Eating disorders are still a widespread problem in today’s society, which is thought to affect only young people, but it is actually a wrong situation, despite the fact that most of the people who suffer from it are teenagers or almost. Underestimating them would be a serious mistake, even if too often we tend not to talk about them for fear of being judged, indeed there are even those who end up locking themselves at home and even refusing an invitation to go to a restaurant because they don’t quite know how to handle the situation.

The nervous hunger only partially falls into this category, but it’s still a disorder that occurs when you don’t feel good about yourself or you experience a phase of anxiety and worry, to the point of spilling over onto food. Luckily solving it is not that impossible.

Nervous hunger: recognizing it is the first step

Recognize that you are suffering from nervous hunger it is essential if you don’t want this problem to get worse. Even if there is a tendency to deny it, it may be the people who live close to the sufferer who realize the problem and help him solve it. THE symptoms they are in fact quite relatable. In general, we feel like opening the refrigerator frequently to see what food is inside, sometimes it becomes the first thing we do once we get home; you want to munch on something appetizing even if you have just finished eating; you no longer have a constant weight, as well as being hungry without any time limitation, sometimes even at night.

The unequivocal signs of nervous hunger (tantasalute.it)

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Very often this is a reaction one has when there is something that does not allow you to feel serene (in other cases there are those who feel a closed stomach), for this reason it can be useful to devote oneself to something that can help to feel calmer and not be tempted to eat something.

Between actions What can help is a walk in the open air, listening to music, taking a scented bath or dedicating yourself to something useful at home, such as embroidering, cooking or knitting, in short, taking your mind away from what it can generate anxiety.

Healing is not impossible

Anyone who has been suffering from nervous hunger for a long time could feel frustrated and think of fail to overcome it, but rather that we necessarily have to live with it. Luckily that’s not the case, thanks to a few little ones trick discomfort can be overcome.

How is it possible to manage nervous hunger (tantasalute.it)

There are some tricks to implement already when you eat, in order to avoid having some temptation to satisfy at other times, here are what they are:

drink water (at least two liters a day), but it can also be integrated with herbal teas or fruit juices for those who struggle to reach this amount. This allows you to reach a sense of satiety sooner. You must learn to chew slowlyin order to better appreciate all the flavors. If possible, they should use small plates which can be filled more easily and can also allow you to feel full on a mental level sooner. Thinking of solving it by completely eliminating the foods we like best from the diet is a mistake, because it can lead to pouring one’s attention on something else. Sometimes that alone is enough take them less often and in smaller quantitiesso your head will also feel satisfied.

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It is though it is also wrong to fast for a long time, especially if you are convinced that this can help you lose weight. Eventually you will arrive at the chin of the meal even hungrier by eating even what you shouldn’t have.

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