Home » Never have so many cases of flu, Bassetti: “It’s the fault of the few vaccines” – Primocanale.it

Never have so many cases of flu, Bassetti: “It’s the fault of the few vaccines” – Primocanale.it

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Never have so many cases of flu, Bassetti: “It’s the fault of the few vaccines” – Primocanale.it

The director of the regional inter-company infectious diseases department of Liguria, Matteo Bassetti, has spoken out about the low vaccination rates in the region. According to Bassetti, citizens have been hesitant to get vaccinated due to fatigue from previous vaccinations. “This year we have vaccinated little and it is not the fault of the institutions but of the citizens who did not want to be vaccinated because they were tired of vaccinations,” he said in an interview with Primocanale.

Bassetti also highlighted the current flu season, which has seen a high number of cases but not in terms of severity. “It’s a particularly challenging situation when it comes to numbers,” he explained. “We saw between the end of December and the beginning of January a concentration of the cold which pushed people to stay indoors more and the Christmas dinners and parties which acted as a multiplier.” With the reopening of schools, there is a great spread of flu among children and young people, and Bassetti predicts that there will still be high circulation for a couple of weeks.

The H1N1 flu, also known as ‘swine flu’, has been the most prevalent form of influenza in Italy this year. Bassetti emphasized the importance of vaccinations, noting that vaccines can prevent serious forms of the flu. “Unfortunately, when there are such virulent forms that also affect young people, we remember the importance of vaccines,” he said. “Vaccines have led us to live up to 85-90 years, without vaccines we would die on average at 55 years old.”

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Bassetti also provided tips for treating the flu, including staying warm, hydrating, and giving the body time to heal. He cautioned against using antibiotics, as they do not work against viruses unless indicated by a doctor in the case of a bacterial complication.

The comments from Bassetti come as a reminder of the importance of vaccination and taking necessary precautions during flu season.

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