Home » “No Man’s Sky” just released version 3.5 update “稜鏡”-No Man’s Sky

“No Man’s Sky” just released version 3.5 update “稜鏡”-No Man’s Sky

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No Man’s Sky

Developer Hello GamesJust released version 3.5, “稜鏡” for its growing space adventure game “No Man’s Sky”.

As detailed on the game’s official website, the update “substantially refreshes the “No Man’s Sky” experience with a series of new visual effects and technologies”, and brings a lot of content, such as reflections, new texture effects, and more creatures. Community details, improved lighting, new sky, new deformation effects, furs of creatures and more.

For example, the game has added screen space reflection technology to PC, Xbox One X, and next-generation consoles to improve light quality and make some locations look more vibrant than ever. In addition, the team also optimized the volumetric lighting technology and made this feature available in VR. These are just a small part of the update. For more detailed information, you can view the full patch notes from this link. There is also a trailer below.

No Man's Sky

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