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No more spring fatigue: 7 tips to get your body fit now

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No more spring fatigue: 7 tips to get your body fit now

After the long winter, not only does your apartment need a general overhaul, your body is also grateful for a spring cleaning. Read here how you can strengthen your body now.

The crocuses sprout from the ground, everything around you lives and vibrates. Now is the time for spring cleaning.

But it’s not just the home that benefits from a cleaning campaign. Your body will also thank you for a thorough spring cleaning – and you will enter the new season without spring fatigue or colds, but with even more energy.

1. Therapeutic fasting – cleanses the body

Traditionally, winter ends with a fast. The methods are different, but the goal is always the same: get rid of excess winter fat and toxins, detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system.

Abstaining from food not only gives the body the opportunity to free itself of baggage, but also clarifies and purifies the mind and soul.

If you have never fasted before and you are not sure how you are doing, you can try a single day of fasting to test it out. On this day, for example, you only eat steamed vegetables and drink lots of herbal tea, very diluted vegetable juices and vegetable broth.

2. Drink tea – purifies the body

Speaking of tea: blood-cleansing and regenerating nettle tea or an infusion with fresh dandelion roots are particularly suitable for the spring program.

The nettle has many uses. As a juice, tea, salad or in a smoothie, it provides plenty of vital substances and helps the body purify and detoxify.

For dandelion root tea you need some dried roots of the medicinal plant. You can dig them up, wash and dry them yourself, or you can also get them from a health food store or online.

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Preparation of the root tea:

Soak a heaped teaspoon of dried dandelion root in 250 ml of cold water for 12 hours. Warm up the cold mixture. Strain. Drink sips half an hour before and half an hour after breakfast.

Tip: If this preparation method is too complicated for you, you can also eat the roots raw, for example finely grated or grated in a salad.

3. Detox yoga – stretching the body

All asanas (yoga poses) in which you rotate around your own axis are particularly suitable for detoxification.

You can think of it as almost wringing out your internal organs. Rotations also stimulate intestinal activity and thus optimally support your spring program.

Since rotational movements and forward bends are quite demanding on the spine and intervertebral discs, beginners in particular should preferably practice such rotations while lying down. Then there is no weight on the intervertebral discs and there is no unnecessary risk of injury.

4. These are the foods you should eat now

To give the body the opportunity to cleanse itself, you should avoid heavy foods, alcohol and caffeine when possible for your spring cleaning.

On the other hand, all green vegetables and especially cabbage are ideal. You can prepare them raw, lightly steamed or as a soup and smoothie.

You should only be careful with salt, all other spices are allowed. Fenugreek, chili, ginger or even chopped, fresh wild garlic are particularly suitable for seasoning for detox cuisine.

Beetroot is also a real gem when it comes to spring healing. It supports intestinal cleansing, stimulates metabolism and promotes cell renewal. The kidneys and liver also benefit from the many valuable ingredients in the deep red tuber.

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Sorrel contains plenty of vitamins, neutralizes toxins, has a diuretic and blood purifying effect and is therefore, if possible, an essential part of a spring detox treatment. The leaves are brewed as a tea, mixed into a smoothie or eaten in a salad.

5. Carob-Smoothie

Carob or locust bean gum is obtained from the fruits of the carob tree and can be excellently processed into desserts and spreads or enjoyed in muesli.

A carob smoothie is also a great insider tip for your body cleaning, because carob has a stimulating effect (this makes it easier for you to avoid coffee and black tea) and contains a lot of fiber.

6. Activated carbon

Most people only know activated carbon as a medicine for diarrhea or as a filter for cigarettes. However, it is hardly known that it can also make a valuable contribution to health. In fact, activated charcoal can be used to remove toxins from the body and can do a lot more for health and beauty.

7. Lemon cure

You can prepare a detox drink for a mini lemon detox treatment using citrus fruits and a little sugar or another sweetener.

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